// Name: MultiHandleSlider.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedMultiHandleSlider"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal = function() { Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal.initializeBase(this); this._instance = null; }; Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal.prototype = { _getInstance: function() { this._instance = new Sys.Extended.UI.GenericDragDropManager(); this._instance.initialize(); this._instance.add_dragStart(Function.createDelegate(this, this._raiseDragStart)); this._instance.add_dragStop(Function.createDelegate(this, this._raiseDragStop)); return this._instance; } }; Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal', Sys.Extended.UI._DragDropManager); Sys.Extended.UI.DragDrop = new Sys.Extended.UI._MultiHandleSliderDragDropInternal(); Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle = function() { /// /// The MultiHandleInnerRailStyle enumeration describes how the inner rail is rendered /// /// The inner style is rendered as it is defined. /// The inner style is super-imposed on the outer style. }; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle.prototype = { AsIs: 0, SlidingDoors: 1 }; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle', false); Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation = function() { /// /// The SliderOrientation enumeration describes the slider's visual orientation. /// /// The slider orientation is left to right. /// The slider orientation is top to bottom. }; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation.prototype = { Horizontal: 0, Vertical: 1 }; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation', false); Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior = function(element) { /// /// A behavior that attaches a multi-handled slider to a TextBox control. /// /// The element to attach to. /// Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._isServerControl = false; this._minimum = null; this._maximum = null; this._orientation = Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation.Horizontal; this._cssClass = null; this._multiHandleSliderTargets = null; this._length = 150; this._steps = 0; this._enableHandleAnimation = false; this._showInnerRail = false; this._showHoverStyle = false; this._showDragStyle = false; this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp = true; this._innerRailStyle = Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle.AsIs; this._enableInnerRangeDrag = false; this._enableRailClick = true; this._isReadOnly = false; this._increment = 1; this._enableKeyboard = true; this._enableMouseWheel = true; this._tooltipText = ''; this._boundControlID = null; this._handleCssClass = null; this._handleImageUrl = null; this._handleImage = null; this._railCssClass = null; this._decimals = 0; this._textBox = null; this._wrapper = null; this._outer = null; this._inner = null; this._handleData = null; this._handleAnimationDuration = 0.02; this._handles = 0; this._innerDragFlag = false; this._isVertical = false; this._selectStartHandler = null; this._mouseUpHandler = null; this._mouseOutHandler = null; this._keyDownHandler = null; this._mouseWheelHandler = null; this._mouseOverHandler = null; this._animationPending = false; this._selectStartPending = false; this._initialized = false; this._handleUnderDrag = null; this._innerDrag = false; this._blockInnerClick = false; }; // MultiHandleSliderExtender Behavior Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function() { /// /// Initializes this instance of the behavior. /// /// Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); if (this._boundControlID && !this._multiHandleSliderTargets) { this._multiHandleSliderTargets = [{ "ControlID": this._boundControlID, "HandleCssClass": this._handleCssClass, "HandleImageUrl": this._handleImageUrl, "Decimals": this._decimals }]; } this._handles = this._multiHandleSliderTargets ? this._multiHandleSliderTargets.length: 0; if(this._handles === 0) { var boundless = document.createElement("INPUT"); boundless.id = "boundless"; boundless.style.display = "none"; boundless.value = this.get_minimum(); document.forms[0].appendChild(boundless); this._multiHandleSliderTargets = [{ "ControlID": boundless.id, "HandleCssClass": this._handleCssClass, "HandleImageUrl": this._handleImageUrl, "Decimals": this._decimals }]; this._boundControlID = boundless.id; this._handles = 1; } this._isVertical = this._orientation === Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderOrientation.Vertical; this._resolveNamingContainer(); this._createWrapper(); this._createOuterRail(); this._createHandles(); this._createInnerRail(); this._setRailStyles(); if (this._length) { if (!this._cssClass && this._innerRailStyle !== Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle.SlidingDoors) { if (this._isVertical) { this._outer.style.height = this._length + "px"; } else { this._outer.style.width = this._length + "px"; } } } this._build(); this._enforceElementPositioning(); this._initializeSlider(); }, dispose: function() { /// /// Disposes this instance of the behavior. /// /// this._disposeHandlers(); this._disposeMultiHandleSliderTargets(); if (this._enableHandleAnimation && this._handleAnimation) { this._handleAnimation.dispose(); } Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, get_SliderInitialized : function() { /// /// Gets whether this slider is initialized. This is here for backwards compatibility /// with the original Slider. /// /// return this._initialized; }, getValue : function(index) { /// /// Gets the value of a specific slider handle programmatically by index. /// /// The handle index. /// The value of the specified slider handle. var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[index].ControlID); return multiHandleSliderTarget.value; }, setValue : function(index, value) { /// /// Sets the value of a specific slider handle programmatically by index. /// /// The handle index. /// The value to set. /// var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[index].ControlID); if(multiHandleSliderTarget) { this.beginUpdate(); this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, this._getNearestStepValue(value)); this.endUpdate(); } }, get_values : function() { /// /// Gets all handle values as a comma-delimited string. This is required /// for the automated toolkit test behavior. /// /// A comma-delimited string of handle values. var values = [this._handles]; for(var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var control = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i]; values[i] = control.value; } return values.join(','); }, _build: function() { /// /// Assembles the generated slider DOM elements on the page. /// /// this._textBox = this.get_element(); this._textBox.parentNode.insertBefore(this._wrapper, this._textBox); this._wrapper.appendChild(this._outer); if (this._inner && this._showInnerRail) { this._outer.appendChild(this._inner); } this._textBox.style.display = 'none'; }, _calculateInnerRailOffset: function(e) { /// /// Calculates the offset of the inner rail. /// /// Event info var edge = this._isVertical ? this._inner.style.top: this._inner.style.left; var offset = this._isVertical ? e.offsetY: e.offsetX; offset += parseInt(edge, 10); return offset; }, _calculateClick: function(offset) { /// /// Calculates where to move a handle during a rail click event. /// /// The mouse offset. var railBounds = this._getOuterBounds(), closestHandle = this._handleData[0]; var handleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(closestHandle); closestHandle = this._calculateClosestHandle(offset); var minOffset = handleBounds.width / 2; var maxOffset = railBounds.width - minOffset; offset = (offset < minOffset) ? minOffset: (offset > maxOffset) ? maxOffset: offset; var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(closestHandle.multiHandleSliderTargetID); this._calculateMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, offset, true); $common.tryFireEvent(this.get_element(), "change"); }, _calculateClosestHandle: function(offset) { /// /// Calculates the closest handle to a mouse click. /// /// The mouse offset. /// The closest handle element. var closestHandle = this._handleData[0], distances = [this._handles], outer = this._getOuterBounds(); for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var handle = this._handleData[i], bounds = this._getBoundsInternal(handle); var pos = this._isVertical ? handle.offsetTop: bounds.x - outer.x; distances[i] = Math.abs(pos - offset); } var delta = distances[0]; for (i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var d = distances[i]; if (d < delta) { handle = this._handleData[i]; delta = d; closestHandle = handle; } } if (this._innerDrag) { var index = Array.indexOf(this._handleData, closestHandle); var location = Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation(closestHandle); var locationOffset = this._isVertical ? location.y: location.x - outer.x; if (locationOffset >= (offset + distances[index])) { var newHandle = this._handleData[index - 1]; if (newHandle) { closestHandle = newHandle; } } } return closestHandle; }, _calculateMultiHandleSliderTargetValue: function(multiHandleSliderTarget, mouseOffset, computed) { /// /// Determines the closest value to set a bound control /// /// The bound control instance. /// The relative distance of the mouse click. /// Whether the value should be calculated or taken from the current instance. /// The resulting value of the current target. var secondaryHandle, secondaryMultiHandleSliderTarget, min = this._minimum, max = this._maximum; if (this._handleUnderDrag && !multiHandleSliderTarget) { handle = this._handleUnderDrag; multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(this._handleUnderDrag.multiHandleSliderTargetID); if (this._innerDrag) { var primary = Array.indexOf(this._handleData, handle); secondaryHandle = this._handleData[primary + 1]; if (!secondaryHandle) { secondaryHandle = this._handleData[primary - 1]; } secondaryMultiHandleSliderTarget = $get(secondaryHandle.multiHandleSliderTargetID); } } var handle = multiHandleSliderTarget.Handle, value = multiHandleSliderTarget.value; if (value && !computed) { if (typeof(value) !== 'number') { try { value = parseFloat(value); } catch(ex) { value = Number.NaN; } } if (isNaN(value)) { value = this._minimum; } val = Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); } else { var handleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(handle), railBounds = this._getOuterBounds(), mark = (mouseOffset) ? mouseOffset - handleBounds.width / 2: handleBounds.x - railBounds.x, extent = railBounds.width - handleBounds.width, percent = mark / extent; val = Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); val = (mark === 0) ? min : (mark === (railBounds.width - handleBounds.width)) ? max : min + percent * (max - min); } if (this._steps > 0) { val = this._getNearestStepValue(val); } val = Math.max(Math.min(val, max), min); var previousControls = [], nextControls = [], cp = 0, cn = 0, block, prev = true; for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var vc = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i]; if (!vc.ControlID.match(multiHandleSliderTarget.id)) { if (prev) { previousControls[cp] = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i]; cp++; } else { nextControls[cn] = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i]; cn++; } } else { prev = false; } } if (cp > 0) { var p = parseFloat($get(previousControls[cp - 1].ControlID).value); val = Math.max(val, p); block = val === p; } if (cn > 0) { var n = parseFloat($get(nextControls[0].ControlID).value); val = Math.min(val, n); block = val === n; } if (secondaryHandle) { var delta = val - parseFloat(value), secondaryValue = parseFloat(secondaryMultiHandleSliderTarget.value), secondaryVal = secondaryValue + delta; var nextIndex = Array.indexOf(this._handleData, secondaryHandle) + 1; if (nextIndex < this._multiHandleSliderTargets.length) { var nextMultiHandleSliderTargetID = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[nextIndex].ControlID; } if (nextMultiHandleSliderTargetID) { var nextMultiHandleSliderTarget = $get(nextMultiHandleSliderTargetID); } if (nextMultiHandleSliderTarget) { var nextValue = nextMultiHandleSliderTarget.value; } if (secondaryVal > (nextValue || max)) { secondaryVal = secondaryValue; val = value; block = true; } } if (!block && (Math.max(val, max) === max && Math.min(val, min) === min)) { this.beginUpdate(); val = Math.max(Math.min(val, max), min); this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, val); if (secondaryHandle) { this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(secondaryMultiHandleSliderTarget, secondaryVal); } this.endUpdate(); } else { this.beginUpdate(); if (this._handles === 1) { this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, val); } else { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = val; handle.Value = val; this._setHandlePosition(handle, true); } if (secondaryHandle) { secondaryMultiHandleSliderTarget.value = secondaryVal; secondaryHandle.Value = secondaryVal; this._setHandlePosition(secondaryHandle, true); } this.endUpdate(); } return val; }, _cancelDrag: function() { /// /// Ends a drag event. /// /// if (Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending === this) { Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending = null; if (this._selectStartPending) { $removeHandler(document, 'selectstart', this._selectStartHandler); } } }, _createHandles: function() { /// /// Creates the handles elements and hover and drag effect callbacks. /// /// for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var handleName = this.get_id() + "_handle_" + i, v = this._isVertical, hideStyle = '', hoverStyle = '', dragStyle = ''; if(this._handles === 1 && this._handleImageUrl) { var img = ""; } var anchorStart = ""; this._outer.innerHTML += anchorStart + anchorEnd; } this._handleData = [this._handles]; for (i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var styleInfo = this._cssClass ? this._cssClass: "ajax__multi_slider_default"; var handleCss = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].HandleCssClass; if (handleCss || this._cssClass) { hideStyle = handleCss ? handleCss + " " : this._cssClass + " "; hoverStyle = hideStyle; dragStyle = hideStyle; var dragCss = handleCss, hoverCss = handleCss; hideStyle = !handleCss ? hideStyle + this._isVertical ? 'handle_vertical': 'handle_horizontal': hideStyle + handleCss; hoverStyle = !hoverCss ? hoverStyle + this._isVertical ? 'handle_vertical_hover': 'handle_horizontal_hover': hoverStyle + hoverCss; dragStyle = !dragCss ? dragStyle + this._isVertical ? 'handle_vertical_down': 'handle_horizontal_down': dragStyle + dragCss; } this._handleCallbacks = { mouseover: Function.createCallback(this._onShowHover, { vertical : v, custom : hoverStyle }), mouseout: Function.createCallback(this._onHideHover, { vertical : v, custom : hideStyle }), mousedown: Function.createCallback(this._onShowDrag, { vertical : v, custom : dragStyle }), mouseup: Function.createCallback(this._onHideDrag, { vertical : v, custom : hideStyle }) }; this._handleData[i] = this._outer.childNodes[i]; this._handleData[i].style.overflow = 'hidden'; $addHandlers(this._handleData[i], this._handleCallbacks); handleCss = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].HandleCssClass; if (handleCss) { Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._handleData[i], styleInfo); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._handleData[i], handleCss); } else { this._handleData[i].className = this._isVertical ? 'handle_vertical': 'handle_horizontal'; } if (this._multiHandleSliderTargets) { var multiHandleSliderTargetID = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].ControlID; this._handleData[i].multiHandleSliderTargetID = multiHandleSliderTargetID; } this._handleData[i].style.left = '0px'; this._handleData[i].style.top = '0px'; if (this._steps < 1) { if (this._enableHandleAnimation) { var animation = new Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.LengthAnimation(this._handleData[i], this._handleAnimationDuration, 100, 'style'); animation.add_ended(Function.createDelegate(this, this._onAnimationEnded)); animation.add_step(Function.createDelegate(this, this._onAnimationStep)); this._handleData[i].Animation = animation; } } else { this._enableHandleAnimation = false; } } }, _createInnerRail: function() { /// /// Creates the inner rail. /// /// if (this._handles > 1 && this._showInnerRail) { this._inner = document.createElement('DIV'); this._inner.id = this.get_id() + '_inner'; this._inner.style.outline = "none"; this._inner.tabIndex = -1; } }, _createOuterRail: function() { /// /// Creates the outer rail. /// /// this._outer = document.createElement('DIV'); this._outer.id = this.get_id() + '_outer'; this._outer.style.outline = "none"; this._outer.tabIndex = -1; }, _createWrapper: function() { /// /// Creates the relatively positioned wrapper DIV to contain the slider. /// /// this._wrapper = document.createElement("DIV"); this._wrapper.style.position = "relative"; this._wrapper.style.outline = "none"; }, _disposeHandlers: function() { /// /// Disposes event handlers on the slider. /// if (!this._isReadOnly) { $removeHandler(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseUpHandler); $removeHandler(document, 'mouseout', this._mouseOutHandler); if (this._outer) { if (this._outer.addEventListener) { this._outer.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this._mouseWheelHandler, false); } else { this._outer.detachEvent('onmousewheel', this._mouseWheelHandler); } $common.removeHandlers(this._outer, this._outerDelegates); } for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { if(this._handleDelegates) { $common.removeHandlers(this._handleData[i], this._handleDelegates); } if(this._handleCallbacks) { $clearHandlers(this._handleData[i]); } } this._handleDelegates = null; this._handleCallbacks = null; if (this._inner && this._showInnerRail && this._innerDelegates) { $common.removeHandlers(this._inner, this._innerDelegates); } this._selectStartHandler = null; this._mouseUpHandler = null; this._mouseOutHandler = null; this._mouseWheelHandler = null; this._mouseOverHandler = null; this._keyDownHandler = null; } }, _disposeMultiHandleSliderTargets: function() { /// /// Disposes the bound control elements. /// /// if (this._multiHandleSliderTargets) { for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var multiHandleSliderTarget = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i]; var isInput = multiHandleSliderTarget && multiHandleSliderTarget.nodeName === 'INPUT'; if (isInput) { $removeHandler(multiHandleSliderTarget, 'change', multiHandleSliderTarget.ChangeHandler); $removeHandler(multiHandleSliderTarget, 'keypress', multiHandleSliderTarget.KeyPressHandler); multiHandleSliderTarget.ChangeHandler = null; multiHandleSliderTarget.KeyPressHandler = null; } } } }, _ensureBinding: function(multiHandleSliderTarget) { /// /// Ensures control binding to a Label or TextBox element. /// if (multiHandleSliderTarget) { var value = multiHandleSliderTarget.value; if (value >= this._minimum || value <= this._maximum) { var isInputElement = multiHandleSliderTarget && multiHandleSliderTarget.nodeName === 'INPUT'; if (isInputElement) { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = value; } else if (multiHandleSliderTarget) { multiHandleSliderTarget.innerHTML = value; } } } }, _enforceElementPositioning: function() { /// /// Copies any styles from the parent element to the slider wrapper. /// var tbPosition = { position: this.get_element().style.position, top: this.get_element().style.top, right: this.get_element().style.right, bottom: this.get_element().style.bottom, left: this.get_element().style.left }; if (tbPosition.position !== '') { this._wrapper.style.position = tbPosition.position; } if (tbPosition.top !== '') { this._wrapper.style.top = tbPosition.top; } if (tbPosition.right !== '') { this._wrapper.style.right = tbPosition.right; } if (tbPosition.bottom !== '') { this._wrapper.style.bottom = tbPosition.bottom; } if (tbPosition.left !== '') { this._wrapper.style.left = tbPosition.left; } }, _getNearestStepValue: function(value) { /// /// Determines the closest discrete step value from a given value. /// /// The value to check against steps /// The nearest discrete step value from the specified value. if (this._steps === 0) return value; var extent = this._maximum - this._minimum; if (extent === 0) return value; if ((this._steps - 1) !== 0) { var delta = extent / (this._steps - 1); } else { return value; } return Math.round(value / delta) * delta; }, _getStepValues: function() { /// /// Computes a list of possible slider values based on steps and constraints. /// /// var steps = [this._steps], extent = this._maximum - this._minimum; var increment = extent / (this._steps - 1); steps[0] = this._minimum; for (var i = 1; i < this._steps; i++) { steps[i] = this._minimum + (increment * i); } return steps; }, _handleSlide: function(decrement) { /// /// Increments or decrements the value of all handles. /// /// If true, decrement the slider value; otherwise, increment it. /// var index = decrement ? 0 : this._handles - 1, start = decrement ? 1 : 0, end = decrement ? this._handles : this._handles - 1, multiHandleSliderTargetID = this._handleData[index].multiHandleSliderTargetID; if (this._slideMultiHandleSliderTarget(multiHandleSliderTargetID, decrement)) { for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { multiHandleSliderTargetID = this._handleData[i].multiHandleSliderTargetID; this._slideMultiHandleSliderTarget(multiHandleSliderTargetID, decrement); } } this._initializeInnerRail(); }, _initializeDragHandle: function(handle) { /// /// Creates a hidden drag handle element for managing drag functions. /// This hidden element is appended to the document's first form. /// /// The handle element to create a drag handle for. /// var dragHandle = handle.DragHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); dragHandle.style.position = 'absolute'; dragHandle.style.width = '1px'; dragHandle.style.height = '1px'; dragHandle.style.overflow = 'hidden'; dragHandle.style.background = 'none'; document.forms[0].appendChild(handle.DragHandle); }, _initializeHandlers: function() { /// /// Adds event handlers to the slider. /// /// if (!this._isReadOnly) { this._selectStartHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onSelectStart); this._mouseUpHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseUp); this._mouseOutHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseOut); this._mouseWheelHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseWheel); this._mouseOverHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseOver); this._keyDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyDown); $addHandler(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseUpHandler); $addHandler(document, 'mouseout', this._mouseOutHandler); this._handleDelegates = { mousedown: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseDown), dragstart: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler), drag: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler), dragEnd: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler) }; for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { $addHandlers(this._handleData[i], this._handleDelegates); } if (this._outer) { if (this._enableMouseWheel) { if (this._outer.addEventListener) { this._outer.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this._mouseWheelHandler, false); } else { this._outer.attachEvent('onmousewheel', this._mouseWheelHandler); } } this._outerDelegates = { click: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onOuterRailClick), mouseover: Function.createDelegate(this, this._mouseOverHandler), keydown: Function.createDelegate(this, this._keyDownHandler) }; $addHandlers(this._outer, this._outerDelegates); } if (this._inner && this._showInnerRail) { this._innerDelegates = { click: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onInnerRailClick), mousedown: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseDownInner), mouseup: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseUpInner), mouseout: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseOutInner), mousemove: Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseMoveInner), dragStart: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler), drag: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler), dragEnd: Function.createDelegate(this, this._IEDragDropHandler) }; $addHandlers(this._inner, this._innerDelegates); } } }, _initializeHandles: function() { /// /// Initializes data and events on handle elements. /// /// var state = this.get_ClientState(); if (state) { var handleStates = state.split(',', this._handles); } for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { var handle = this._handleData[i], decimalPlaces = this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].Decimals; if (handleStates) { handle.Value = parseFloat(handleStates[i]); } this._initializeMultiHandleSliderTarget(handle.multiHandleSliderTargetID, decimalPlaces, handle); this._initializeHandleValue(handle); this._setHandlePosition(handle, true); this._initializeDragHandle(handle); } }, _initializeHandleValue: function(handle) { /// /// Initializes the starting value of a given handle. /// /// The handle element. /// if (!handle.Value) { try { var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(handle.multiHandleSliderTargetID), isInput = multiHandleSliderTarget && multiHandleSliderTarget.nodeName === 'INPUT', handleValue = parseFloat(isInput ? multiHandleSliderTarget.value : multiHandleSliderTarget.innerHTML); } catch(ex) { handleValue = Number.NaN; } if (isNaN(handleValue)) { handle.Value = this._minimum; if(isInput) { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = handle.Value; } else { multiHandleSliderTarget.innerHTML = handle.Value; } } else { handle.Value = handleValue; } } }, _initializeInnerRail: function() { /// /// Initializes the appearance and location of the inner rail. Called multiple times to /// recalculate the inner rail's position. /// /// if (this._inner && this._showInnerRail) { var firstIndex = 0, lastIndex = this._handles - 1, handle = this._handleData[firstIndex], lastHandle = this._handles > 1 ? this._handleData[lastIndex] : null; if (lastHandle) { var handleWidth = parseInt(this._getBoundsInternal(handle).width, 10), handleLeft = parseInt(this._isVertical ? handle.style.top : handle.style.left, 10), handleRight = parseInt(this._isVertical ? lastHandle.style.top : lastHandle.style.left, 10), firstOffset = parseInt(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[firstIndex].Offset, 10), lastOffset = parseInt(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[lastIndex].Offset, 10); handleLeft += firstOffset; handleRight += lastOffset; if (this._isVertical) { this._inner.style.top = handleLeft + "px"; this._inner.style.height = handleRight + handleWidth - handleLeft + "px"; } else { this._inner.style.left = handleLeft + "px"; this._inner.style.width = (handleRight + handleWidth - handleLeft) + "px"; } if (this._innerRailStyle === Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleInnerRailStyle.SlidingDoors) { this._inner.style.backgroundPosition = this._isVertical ? "0 -" + handleLeft + "px": "-" + handleLeft + "px 0"; } } } }, _initializeMultiHandleSliderTarget: function(multiHandleSliderTargetID, decimalPlaces, handle) { /// /// Initializes a given element that is bound to a handle. /// /// The ID of the control element. /// The number of decimal places to format the control's value. /// The handle element. /// if (multiHandleSliderTargetID) { var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(multiHandleSliderTargetID); if (handle.Value) { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = handle.Value; } multiHandleSliderTarget.Handle = handle; multiHandleSliderTarget.Decimals = decimalPlaces; multiHandleSliderTarget.OldValue = multiHandleSliderTarget.value; multiHandleSliderTarget.onchange = "setValue(this, " + multiHandleSliderTarget.value + ")"; if (!multiHandleSliderTarget.Decimals) { multiHandleSliderTarget.Decimals = 0; } var isInput = multiHandleSliderTarget && multiHandleSliderTarget.nodeName === 'INPUT'; if (isInput) { multiHandleSliderTarget.KeyPressHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMultiHandleSliderTargetKeyPressed); multiHandleSliderTarget.ChangeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMultiHandleSliderTargetChange); $addHandler(multiHandleSliderTarget, 'keypress', multiHandleSliderTarget.KeyPressHandler); $addHandler(multiHandleSliderTarget, 'change', multiHandleSliderTarget.ChangeHandler); } } }, _initializeSlider: function() { /// /// Creates the generated slider DOM components. /// /// Sys.Extended.UI.DragDrop.registerDropTarget(this); this._initializeHandles(); this._initializeHandlers(); this._initializeInnerRail(); this._initialized = true; this._raiseEvent('load'); }, _resetDragHandle: function(handle) { /// /// Resets the position of the hidden drag handle. /// /// The handle element. /// var handleBounds = $common.getBounds(handle); $common.setLocation(handle.DragHandle, { x: handleBounds.x, y: handleBounds.y }); }, _resolveNamingContainer: function() { /// /// Uses the behavior name and client state to resolve the inner control IDs. /// /// if (this._isServerControl && this._multiHandleSliderTargets && !this._boundControlID) { var index = this._clientStateFieldID.lastIndexOf(this._id), token = this._clientStateFieldID.substring(0, index); for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].ControlID = token + this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].ControlID; } } }, _saveState: function() { /// /// Sets the values of all handle controls in client state. /// /// var state = [this._handles]; for (var i = 0; i < this._handles; i++) { state[i] = $get(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[i].ControlID).value; } this.set_ClientState(state.join(',')); }, _setHandlePosition: function(handle, allowAnimation) { /// /// Sets the location of the handle when changing slider values. /// /// The handle element. /// If true, animate the transition to the new handle value; otherwise, do nothing. /// var min = this._minimum, max = this._maximum, value = handle.Value, animate = this._enableHandleAnimation && this._animationPending && allowAnimation, handleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(handle), railBounds = this._getOuterBounds(); if (handleBounds.width <= 0 && railBounds.width <= 0) { handleBounds.width = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(handle, 'width'), 10); railBounds.width = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(this._outer, 'width'), 10); if (handleBounds.width <= 0 || railBounds.width <= 0) { throw Error.argument('width', Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.MultiHandleSlider_CssHeightWidthRequired); } } var extent = max - min, fraction = (value - min) / extent; var o = Math.round(fraction * (railBounds.width - handleBounds.width)); var offset = (value === min) ? 0: (value === max) ? (railBounds.width - handleBounds.width) : o; if (animate) { handle.Animation.set_startValue(handleBounds.x - railBounds.x); handle.Animation.set_endValue(offset); handle.Animation.set_propertyKey(this._isVertical ? 'top': 'left'); handle.Animation.play(); this._animationPending = false; } else { o = offset + 'px'; if (this._isVertical) { handle.style.top = o; } else { handle.style.left = o; } } }, _setRailStyles: function() { /// /// Determines from configuration the class names to use for slider elements. /// /// if(!this._inner && this._railCssClass) { this._outer.className = this._railCssClass; return; } var styleInfo = this._cssClass ? this._cssClass: "ajax__multi_slider_default"; Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this.get_element(), styleInfo); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._outer, styleInfo); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._wrapper, styleInfo); if (this._inner) { Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._inner, styleInfo); var outer = this._isVertical ? 'outer_rail_vertical': 'outer_rail_horizontal', inner = this._isVertical ? 'inner_rail_vertical': 'inner_rail_horizontal'; Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._outer, outer); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._inner, inner); } else { outer = this._isVertical ? 'inner_rail_vertical': 'inner_rail_horizontal'; Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this._outer, outer); } }, _setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue: function(multiHandleSliderTarget, value) { /// /// Sets the value of a bound control. /// /// The bound control element. /// The value to set the target to. /// var oldValue = multiHandleSliderTarget.OldValue, newValue = value; if (oldValue === newValue && this._isReadOnly) { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = oldValue; } else { if (!this.get_isUpdating()) { newValue = this._calculateMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget); } multiHandleSliderTarget.value = newValue.toFixed(multiHandleSliderTarget.Decimals); this._ensureBinding(multiHandleSliderTarget); if (!Number.isInstanceOfType(multiHandleSliderTarget.value)) { try { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = parseFloat(multiHandleSliderTarget.value); } catch(ex) { multiHandleSliderTarget.value = Number.NaN; } } if (this._tooltipText) { var handle = multiHandleSliderTarget.Handle; handle.alt = handle.title = String.format(this._tooltipText, multiHandleSliderTarget.value); } if (this._initialized) { multiHandleSliderTarget.Handle.Value = newValue; this._setHandlePosition(multiHandleSliderTarget.Handle, true); if(this._handles === 1) { this.get_element().value = newValue; } if (multiHandleSliderTarget.value !== oldValue) { multiHandleSliderTarget.OldValue = multiHandleSliderTarget.value; this._initializeInnerRail(); if (this._innerDrag) { this._blockInnerClick = true; } this._raiseEvent('valueChanged'); if (this.get_isUpdating()) { if (!this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp) { $common.tryFireEvent(this.get_element(), "change"); } } } } } this._saveState(); }, _setValueFromMultiHandleSliderTarget: function(multiHandleSliderTarget) { /// /// Sets the value of the slider based on the value inside a bound control. /// /// The bound control instance. /// this.beginUpdate(); if (multiHandleSliderTarget) { if (!this._isReadOnly) { if (this._handles === 1 && this._steps > 0) { this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, multiHandleSliderTarget.value); } this._calculateMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget); } else { this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, multiHandleSliderTarget.OldValue); } } this.endUpdate(); }, _slideMultiHandleSliderTarget: function(multiHandleSliderTargetID, decrement) { /// /// Increments the value of a bound control. /// /// The ID of the bound control element. /// If true, decrement the target's value; otherwise, increment it. /// var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(multiHandleSliderTargetID), oldValue = multiHandleSliderTarget.value, newValue, i; if (this._steps > 0) { var stepValues = this._getStepValues(), oldStep = this._getNearestStepValue(oldValue); newValue = oldStep; if (decrement) { for (i = this._steps - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (stepValues[i] < oldStep) { newValue = stepValues[i]; break; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < this._steps; i++) { if (stepValues[i] > oldStep) { newValue = stepValues[i]; break; } } } } else { var prevValue = parseFloat(multiHandleSliderTarget.value); newValue = decrement ? prevValue - parseFloat(this._increment) : prevValue + parseFloat(this._increment); } multiHandleSliderTarget.value = newValue; this._setValueFromMultiHandleSliderTarget(multiHandleSliderTarget); return multiHandleSliderTarget.value == newValue; }, _startDragDrop: function(handle) { /// /// Begins a drag and drop operation on the specified handle. Drag operations /// affect the hidden drag handle on the element, not the element itself. /// /// The handle element under drag /// this._resetDragHandle(handle); this._handleUnderDrag = handle; Sys.Extended.UI.DragDrop.startDragDrop(this, handle.DragHandle, null); }, _onAnimationEnded: function() { /// /// Called when an animation effect is complete. /// /// this._initializeInnerRail(); }, _onAnimationStep: function() { /// /// Called when an animation step is reached. /// /// this._initializeInnerRail(); }, _onHideDrag : function(e, p) { /// /// Reverses the class name used for drag effects when the callback event is raised. /// /// The event source. /// The callback parameter object, containing custom style and orientation fields. /// this.className = p.custom && p.custom.length > 0 ? p.custom: p.vertical ? 'handle_vertical': 'handle_horizontal'; }, _onHideHover : function(e, p) { /// /// Reverses the class name used for hover effects when the callback event is raised. /// /// The event source. /// The callback parameter object, containing custom style and orientation fields. /// this.className = p.custom && p.custom.length > 0 ? p.custom: p.vertical ? 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_vertical': 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_horizontal'; }, _onInnerRailClick: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the inner rail's click event. /// /// Event info. /// if (this._enableRailClick) { var target = e.target; if (target === this._inner && !this._blockInnerClick) { this._animationPending = true; this._onInnerRailClicked(e); } else { this._blockInnerClick = false; } } }, _onInnerRailClicked: function(e) { /// /// Called when the inner rail's click event is handled. /// /// Event info. /// var offset = this._calculateInnerRailOffset(e); this._calculateClick(offset); }, _onKeyDown: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's keydown event. /// /// Event info. /// Whether the operation was successful. if (this._enableKeyboard) { var evt = new Sys.UI.DomEvent(e), handled = false; switch (evt.keyCode || evt.rawEvent.keyCode) { case Sys.UI.Key.up: case Sys.UI.Key.left: if (!handled) { this._handleSlide(true); evt.preventDefault(); handled = true; } return false; case Sys.UI.Key.down: case Sys.UI.Key.right: if (!handled) { this._handleSlide(false); evt.preventDefault(); handled = true; } return false; default: return false; } } }, _onMouseOver: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's mouseover event. /// /// Event info. /// this._outer.focus(); }, _onMouseWheel: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's mouse wheel event. /// /// Event info. /// Whether the operation was successful. var delta = 0; if (e.wheelDelta) { delta = e.wheelDelta / 120; if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Opera) { delta = -delta; } } else if (e.detail) { delta = -e.detail / 3; } if (delta) { this._handleSlide(delta <= 0); } if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }, _onMouseUp: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's mouseup event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); this._cancelDrag(); }, _onMouseOut: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's mouseout event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); this._outer.blur(); if (this._handleUnderDrag) { this._cancelDrag(); } }, _onMouseOutInner: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the inner rail's mouseout event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); this._inner.blur(); if (this._innerDrag) { this._cancelDrag(); } }, _onMouseDown: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's mousedown event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); if (!Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending) { Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending = this; $addHandler(document, 'selectstart', this._selectStartHandler); this._selectStartPending = true; var handle = e.target; this._startDragDrop(handle); } }, _onMouseDownInner: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the inner rail's mousedown event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); if (this._enableInnerRangeDrag) { if (!this._innerDragFlag) { this._innerDragFlag = true; } } }, _onMouseUpInner: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the inner rail's mouseup event. /// /// Event info. /// if (this._enableInnerRangeDrag) { this._innerDragFlag = false; } }, _onMouseMoveInner: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the inner rail's mousemove event. /// /// Event info. /// window._event = e; e.preventDefault(); if (this._enableInnerRangeDrag) { if (!this._innerDrag && this._innerDragFlag) { this._innerDragFlag = false; if (!Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending) { Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending = this; $addHandler(document, 'selectstart', this._selectStartHandler); this._selectStartPending = true; this._innerDrag = true; var offset = this._calculateInnerRailOffset(e); var handle = this._calculateClosestHandle(offset); this._startDragDrop(handle); } } } }, _onMultiHandleSliderTargetChange : function(e) { /// /// Handler for when a slider value changes programmatically. /// /// Event info. /// this._animationPending = true; var multiHandleSliderTarget = e.target; this._setValueFromMultiHandleSliderTarget(multiHandleSliderTarget); this._initializeInnerRail(); e.preventDefault(); }, _onMultiHandleSliderTargetKeyPressed: function(e) { /// /// Handler for a slider focused key press event. /// /// Event info. /// var evt = new Sys.UI.DomEvent(e); if (evt.charCode === 13) { this._animationPending = true; var multiHandleSliderTarget = evt.target; this._setValueFromMultiHandleSliderTarget(multiHandleSliderTarget); this._initializeInnerRail(); evt.preventDefault(); } }, _onOuterRailClick: function(e) { /// /// Handler for the outer rail's click event. /// /// Event info /// if (this._enableRailClick) { var target = e.target; if (target === this._outer) { this._animationPending = true; this._onOuterRailClicked(e); } } }, _onOuterRailClicked: function(e) { /// /// Called when the outer rail's click event is handled. /// /// Event info. /// var offset = this._isVertical ? e.offsetY: e.offsetX; this._calculateClick(offset); }, _onShowDrag : function(e, p) { /// /// Sets the class name used for drag effects when the callback event is raised. /// /// The event source. /// The callback parameter object, containing custom style and orientation fields. /// this.className = p.custom && p.custom.length > 0 ? p.custom: p.vertical ? 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_vertical_down': 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_horizontal_down'; }, _onShowHover : function(e, p) { /// /// Sets the class name used for hover effects when the callback event is raised. /// /// The event source. /// The callback parameter object, containing custom style and orientation fields. /// this.className = p.custom && p.custom.length > 0 ? p.custom: p.vertical ? 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_vertical_hover': 'ajax__multi_slider_default handle_horizontal_hover'; }, get_dragDataType: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// The drag data type. return 'HTML'; }, getDragData: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// The drag source. return this._handleUnderDrag; }, get_dragMode: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// The drag mode. return Sys.Extended.UI.DragMode.Move; }, onDragStart: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// this._resetDragHandle(this._handleUnderDrag); this._raiseEvent('dragStart'); }, onDrag: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// var dragHandleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(this._handleUnderDrag.DragHandle), handleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(this._handleUnderDrag), railBounds = this._getOuterBounds(), handlePosition; if (this._isVertical) { handlePosition = { y: dragHandleBounds.x - railBounds.x, x: 0 }; } else { handlePosition = { x: dragHandleBounds.x - railBounds.x, y: 0 }; } $common.setLocation(this._handleUnderDrag, handlePosition); this._calculateMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(null, null, true); if (this._steps > 1) { this._setHandlePosition(this._handleUnderDrag, false); } this._raiseEvent('drag'); }, onDragEnd: function() { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// this._initializeInnerRail(); if (this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp) { $common.tryFireEvent(this.get_element(), "change"); } this._innerDrag = false; this._handleUnderDrag = null; this._raiseEvent('dragEnd'); }, get_dropTargetElement: function() { /// /// Implementation of /// /// The drop target element. return document.forms[0]; }, canDrop: function(dragMode, dataType) { /// /// Implementation of . /// /// The drag mode. /// The data type. /// Whether the drop target is draggable. return dataType == 'HTML'; }, drop: Function.emptyMethod, onDragEnterTarget: Function.emptyMethod, onDragLeaveTarget: Function.emptyMethod, onDragInTarget: Function.emptyMethod, _IEDragDropHandler: function(e) { /// /// Handler for drag and drop in IE /// /// Event info. /// e.preventDefault(); }, _onSelectStart: function(e) { /// /// Handler for when the parent element is selected. /// /// Event info. /// e.preventDefault(); return false; }, _getOuterBounds: function() { /// /// Gets the outer bounds. /// /// The boundary definition of outer rail. return this._getBoundsInternal(this._outer); }, _getInnerBounds: function() { /// /// Gets the inner bounds. /// /// The boundary definition of the inner rail. return this._getBoundsInternal(this._inner); }, _getBoundsInternal: function(element) { /// /// Gets the bounds of a given DOM element. /// /// The element. /// The boundary definition for the element. var bounds = $common.getBounds(element); if (this._isVertical) { bounds = { x: bounds.y, y: bounds.x, height: bounds.width, width: bounds.height, right: bounds.right, left: bounds.left, bottom: bounds.bottom, location: { x: bounds.y, y: bounds.x }, size: { width: bounds.height, height: bounds.width } }; } else { bounds = { x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y, height: bounds.height, width: bounds.width, right: bounds.right, left: bounds.left, bottom: bounds.bottom, location: { x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y }, size: { width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height } }; } return bounds; }, _raiseEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) { /// /// Raises an event. /// /// The event name. /// The event arguments. /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler(eventName); if (handler) { if (!eventArgs) { eventArgs = Sys.EventArgs.Empty; } handler(this, eventArgs); } }, get_Value : function() { /// /// Gets the value of a single bound control for backwards compatibility /// of existing slider and tests. Only to be used in this context. /// /// The value of the single handle. var bound = $get(this._boundControlID); return bound.value ? bound.value : 0; }, set_Value : function(value) { /// /// Sets the value of a single bound control for backwards compatibility /// of existing slider and tests. Only to be used in this context. /// /// The new value of the single handle slider. /// var multiHandleSliderTarget = $get(this._multiHandleSliderTargets[0].ControlID); this.beginUpdate(); this._setMultiHandleSliderTargetValue(multiHandleSliderTarget, this._getNearestStepValue(value)); this.endUpdate(); $common.tryFireEvent(multiHandleSliderTarget, "change"); }, get_minimum: function() { /// /// The lowest value on the slider. /// return this._minimum; }, set_minimum: function(value) { /// /// The lowest value on the slider. /// if (value !== this._minimum) { this._minimum = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('minimum'); } }, get_maximum: function() { /// /// The highest value on the slider. /// return this._maximum; }, set_maximum: function(value) { /// /// The highest value on the slider. /// if (value !== this._maximum) { this._maximum = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('maximum'); } }, get_length: function() { /// /// The length of the slider rail in pixels. /// return this._length; }, set_length: function(value) { /// /// The length of the slider rail in pixels. /// if (value !== this._length) { this._length = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('length'); } }, get_steps: function() { /// /// Determines number of discrete locations on the slider; otherwise, the slider is continous. /// return this._steps; }, set_steps: function(value) { /// /// Determines number of discrete locations on the slider; otherwise, the slider is continous. /// var oldValue = this._steps; this._steps = Math.abs(value); this._steps = (this._steps === 1) ? 2: this._steps; if (oldValue !== this._steps) { this.raisePropertyChanged('steps'); } }, get_orientation: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider's orientation is horizontal or vertical. /// return this._isVertical; }, set_orientation: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider's orientation is horizontal or vertical. /// if (value !== this._isVertical) { this._orientation = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('orientation'); } }, get_enableHandleAnimation: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider handles display an animation effect when changing position. /// return this._enableHandleAnimation; }, set_enableHandleAnimation: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider handles display an animation effect when changing position. /// if (value !== this._enableHandleAnimation) { this._enableHandleAnimation = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('enableHandleAnimation'); } }, get_handleAnimationDuration: function() { /// /// Determines the total duration of the animation effect, in seconds. /// return this._handleAnimationDuration; }, set_handleAnimationDuration: function(value) { /// /// Determines the total duration of the animation effect, in seconds. /// if (value !== this._handleAnimationDuration) { this._handleAnimationDuration = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('handleAnimationDuration'); } }, get_raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp: function() { /// /// Determines if changes to the slider's values are raised as an event when dragging; otherwise, they are raised on drag end. /// return this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp; }, set_raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp: function(value) { /// /// Determines if changes to the slider's values are raised as an event when dragging; otherwise, they are raised on drag end. /// if (value !== this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp) { this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp'); } }, get_showInnerRail: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider will show an inner selected range rail; otherwise, it will display as a uniform rail. /// return this._showInnerRail; }, set_showInnerRail: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider will show an inner selected range rail; otherwise, it will display as a uniform rail. /// if (value !== this._showInnerRail) { this._showInnerRail = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('showInnerRail'); } }, get_showHandleHoverStyle: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider handles will show a style effect when they are hovered over. /// return this._showHoverStyle; }, set_showHandleHoverStyle: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider handles will show a style effect when they are hovered over. /// if (value !== this._showHoverStyle) { this._showHoverStyle = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('showHoverStyle'); } }, get_showHandleDragStyle: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider handles will show a style effect when they are being dragged. /// return this._showDragStyle; }, set_showHandleDragStyle: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider handles will show a style effect when they are being dragged. /// if (value !== this._showDragStyle) { this._showDragStyle = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('showDragStyle'); } }, get_innerRailStyle: function() { /// /// Determines how the inner rail style is handled. /// return this._innerRailStyle; }, set_innerRailStyle: function(value) { /// /// Determines how the inner rail style is handled. /// if (value !== this._innerRailStyle) { this._innerRailStyle = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('innerRailStyle'); } }, get_enableInnerRangeDrag: function() { /// /// Determines if the inner rail range can be dragged as a whole, moving both handles defining it. /// return this._enableInnerRangeDrag; }, set_enableInnerRangeDrag: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the inner rail range can be dragged as a whole, moving both handles defining it. /// if (value !== this._enableInnerRangeDrag) { this._enableInnerRangeDrag = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('allowInnerRangeDrag'); } }, get_enableRailClick: function() { /// /// Determines if clicking on the rail will detect and move the closest handle. /// return this._enableRailClick; }, set_enableRailClick: function(value) { /// /// Determines if clicking on the rail will detect and move the closest handle. /// if (value !== this._enableRailClick) { this._enableRailClick = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('allowRailClick'); } }, get_isReadOnly: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider and its values can be manipulated. /// return this._isReadOnly; }, set_isReadOnly: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider and its values can be manipulated. /// if (value !== this._isReadOnly) { this._isReadOnly = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('isReadOnly'); } }, get_enableKeyboard: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to arrow keys when it has focus. /// return this._enableKeyboard; }, set_enableKeyboard: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to arrow keys when it has focus. /// if (value !== this._enableKeyboard) { this._enableKeyboard = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('enableKeyboard'); } }, get_enableMouseWheel: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to the mouse wheel when it has focus. /// return this._enableMouseWheel; }, set_enableMouseWheel: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to the mouse wheel when it has focus. /// if (value !== this._enableMouseWheel) { this._enableMouseWheel = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('enableMouseWheel'); } }, get_increment: function() { /// /// Determines the number of points to increment or decrement the slider using the keyboard or mousewheel; ignored if steps is used. /// return this._increment; }, set_increment: function(value) { /// /// Determines the number of points to increment or decrement the slider using the keyboard or mousewheel; ignored if steps is used. /// if (value !== this._increment) { this._increment = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('increment'); } }, get_tooltipText: function() { /// /// Determines the text to display as the tooltip; {0} denotes the current handle's value in the format string. /// return this._tooltipText; }, set_tooltipText: function(value) { /// /// Determines the text to display as the tooltip; {0} denotes the current handle's value in the format string. /// if (value !== this._tooltipText) { this._tooltipText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('tooltipText'); } }, get_multiHandleSliderTargets: function() { /// > /// The list of controls used to bind slider handle values. These should be Label or TextBox controls. /// return this._multiHandleSliderTargets; }, set_multiHandleSliderTargets: function(value) { /// /// The list of controls used to bind slider handle values. These should be Label or TextBox controls. /// if (value !== this._multiHandleSliderTargets) { this._multiHandleSliderTargets = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('multiHandleSliderTargets'); } }, get_cssClass: function() { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handle. /// return this._cssClass; }, set_cssClass: function(value) { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handle. /// if (value !== this._cssClass) { this._cssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('cssClass'); } }, get_boundControlID: function() { /// /// Gets or sets the ID of a control to use for a single handle. /// return this._boundControlID; }, set_boundControlID: function(value) { /// /// Gets or sets the ID of a control to use for a single handle. /// this._boundControlID = value; if (this._boundControlID) { this._boundControl = $get(this._boundControlID); } else { this._boundControl = null; } }, get_handleCssClass: function() { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handle. /// return this._handleCssClass; }, set_handleCssClass: function(value) { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handle. /// this._handleCssClass = value; }, get_handleImageUrl: function() { /// /// Gets or sets the URL for the image to display in the slider's handle. /// return this._handleImageUrl; }, set_handleImageUrl: function(value) { /// /// Gets or sets the URL for the image to display in the slider's handle. /// this._handleImageUrl = value; }, get_railCssClass: function() { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handled slider's outer rail. /// return this._railCssClass; }, set_railCssClass: function(value) { /// /// Gets or sets the CSS class of a single handled slider's outer rail. /// this._railCssClass = value; }, get_decimals: function() { /// /// Get/Set the number of decimal digits in a single slider's value. /// A value of 0 means an integer value. /// return this._decimals; }, set_decimals: function(value) { /// /// Get/Set the number of decimal digits in a single slider's value. /// A value of 0 means an integer value. /// this._decimals = value; }, add_load: function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler to the load event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().addHandler('load', handler); }, remove_load: function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the load event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().removeHandler('load', handler); }, add_dragStart: function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler to the dragStart event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().addHandler('dragStart', handler); }, remove_dragStart: function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the dragStart event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().removeHandler('dragStart', handler); }, add_drag: function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler to the drag event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().addHandler('drag', handler); }, remove_drag: function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the drag event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().removeHandler('drag', handler); }, add_dragEnd: function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler to the dragEnd event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().addHandler('dragEnd', handler); }, remove_dragEnd: function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the dragEnd event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().removeHandler('dragEnd', handler); }, add_valueChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler to the valueChanged event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().addHandler('valueChanged', handler); }, remove_valueChanged: function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the valueChanged event /// /// Event handler. /// this.get_events().removeHandler('valueChanged', handler); } }; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.DropPending = null; Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.MultiHandleSliderBehavior, { name: "multiHandleSlider" }); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase", "ExtendedDragDrop", "ExtendedAnimations"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();