// Name: PasswordStrength.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedPasswordStrength"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior = function(element) { Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._levelArray = new Array(); this._styleArray = new Array(); this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass = null; this._barBorderCssClass = null; this._barIndicatorCssClass = null; this._displayPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.RightSide; this._strengthIndicator = Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.Text; this._preferredPasswordLength = 0; this._minimumNumericCharacters = 0; this._minimumSymbolCharacters = 0; this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters = false; this._helpHandleCssClass = ''; this._helpHandlePosition = Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.AboveRight; this._helpText = ''; this._helpStatusLabelID = null; this._displayDiv = null; // The DIV for displaying the textual indicator this._helpDiv = null; // The DIV that the user can click on to display the password requirements this._barOuterDiv = null; // The outer DIV for the bar indicator this._barInnerDiv = null; // The Inner DIV for the bar indicator this._keyPressHandler = null; this._blurHandler = null; this._helpClickHandler = null; this._prefixText = Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_StrengthPrompt; this._txtStrengthDescriptions = Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_DefaultStrengthDescriptions; this._strengthStyles = ''; this._barIndicatorStyles = ''; this._txtseparator = ';'; this._MIN_TXT_LEVEL_COUNT = 2; this._MAX_TXT_LEVEL_COUNT = 10; this._calcWeightings = "50;15;15;20"; this._minLowerCaseChars = 0; this._minUpperCaseChars = 0; } Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); this._createIndicatorDisplayElement(); var e = this.get_element(); this._keyPressHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyPress); this._blurHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBlur); $addHandler(e,'keyup', this._keyPressHandler); $addHandler(e,'blur', this._blurHandler); if (this._preferredPasswordLength == null || this._preferredPasswordLength == '' || this._preferredPasswordLength <= 0) { this._preferredPasswordLength = 10; // Set to at least 10 chars as a preferred pwd length, even though this is very small. this.raisePropertyChanged('PreferredPasswordLength'); } if (this._calcWeightings == null || this._calcWeightings == "") { this._calcWeightings = "50;15;15;20"; this.raisePropertyChanged('CalculationWeightings'); } this._getPasswordStrength(); }, _createIndicatorDisplayElement : function() { if (this._strengthIndicator == Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.BarIndicator) this._createBarIndicatorDisplayElement(); else this._createTextDisplayElement(); if (this._createHelpDisplayElement() == true) { $common.setVisible(this._helpDiv,true); var bounds = $common.getBounds(this.get_element()); var helpBounds = $common.getBounds(this._helpDiv); var posY; var posX; var offset = 3; // 3 pixels for a very small amount of overlap to "connect" the help icon to the textbox if (this._helpHandlePosition == "LeftSide") { posY = bounds.y + ((bounds.height / 2) - (helpBounds.height / 2)); posX = bounds.x - helpBounds.width; } else if (this._helpHandlePosition == "BelowRight") { posY = bounds.y + bounds.height - offset; // Just one pixel for a small overlap posX = bounds.x + bounds.width - offset; } else if (this._helpHandlePosition == "BelowLeft") { posY = bounds.y + bounds.height - offset; posX = bounds.x - helpBounds.width + offset; } else if (this._helpHandlePosition == "RightSide") { posY = bounds.y + ((bounds.height / 2) - (helpBounds.height / 2)); posX = bounds.x + bounds.width; } else if (this._helpHandlePosition == "AboveLeft") { posY = bounds.y - helpBounds.height + offset; posX = bounds.x - helpBounds.width + offset; } else // This fall through logic gets called if the Help position is "AboveRight" or anything else for that matter { posY = bounds.y - helpBounds.height + offset; posX = bounds.x + bounds.width - offset; } this._helpDiv.style.top = posY + 'px'; this._helpDiv.style.left = posX + 'px'; } }, _createTextDisplayElement : function() { var p = document.createElement("label"); p.style.position= "absolute"; p.style.visibility="hidden"; p.style.display = "none"; if (this.get_element().id) { p.id = this.get_element().id + "_PasswordStrength"; } this._displayDiv = p; this._setTextDisplayLocation(p); document.body.appendChild(p); this._setTextDisplayStyle(0); }, _setTextDisplayStyle : function(index) { if (this._styleArray.length == 0) { if (this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass) this._displayDiv.className = this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass; else this._displayDiv.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } else { this._displayDiv.style.backgroundColor = ""; if (this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass && Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass(this._displayDiv,this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass)) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(this._displayDiv,this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass) } this._displayDiv.className = this._styleArray[index]; } }, _setBarDisplayStyle : function(index) { if (this._barBorderCssClass != '') this._barOuterDiv.className = this._barBorderCssClass; else { d1.style.width="200px"; d1.style.borderStyle="solid"; d1.style.borderWidth="1px"; } if (this._styleArray.length == 0) { if (this._barIndicatorCssClass != '') this._barInnerDiv.className = this._barIndicatorCssClass; else this._barInnerDiv.style.backgroundColor = "red"; } else { if (this._barIndicatorCssClass && Sys.UI.DomElement.containsCssClass(this._barInnerDiv,this._barIndicatorCssClass)) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(this._barInnerDiv,this._barIndicatorCssClass) } this._barInnerDiv.className = this._styleArray[index]; } }, _createBarIndicatorDisplayElement : function() { var d1 = document.createElement("div"); // outer div d1.style.position= "absolute"; d1.style.visibility="hidden"; d1.style.display = "none"; var d2 = document.createElement("div"); // inner div, the bar itself d2.style.position= "absolute"; d2.style.visibility="hidden"; d2.style.display = "none"; d1.style.height = this.get_element().offsetHeight+4 + "px"; if (this.get_element().id) { d1.id = this.get_element().id + "_PasswordStrengthBar1"; d2.id = this.get_element().id + "_PasswordStrengthBar2"; } this._barOuterDiv = d1; this._barInnerDiv = d2; this._extractStyles(); this._setBarDisplayStyle(0); document.body.appendChild(d1); document.body.appendChild(d2); this._setBarDisplayLocation(d1,d2); }, _createHelpDisplayElement : function() { if (this._helpHandleCssClass != '') { var req = document.createElement("a"); req.style.position= "absolute"; req.style.visibility="hidden"; req.style.display = "none"; req.href = "#"; // fix for work item #8217 req.title = Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_GetHelpRequirements; if (this.get_element().id) { req.id = this.get_element().id + "_PasswordStrengthReqDisplay"; } this._helpClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this,this._onHelpClick); $addHandler(req,'click',this._helpClickHandler); this._helpDiv = req; this._helpDiv.className = this._helpHandleCssClass; if (this.get_element().parentElement != null && this.get_element().parentElement.canHaveChildren) this.get_element().parentElement.appendChild(req); else document.body.appendChild(req); return true; } else return false; }, _setTextDisplayLocation : function(htmlElement) { var location = $common.getLocation(this.get_element()); var bounds = $common.getBounds(this.get_element()); var offsetAmount = 15; if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.LeftSide) { htmlElement.style.top = location.y + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x - bounds.width - offsetAmount + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == "BelowRight") { htmlElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth - (this.get_element().offsetWidth/4) + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.BelowLeft) { htmlElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x - offsetAmount + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.AboveRight) { htmlElement.style.top = location.y - this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth - (this.get_element().offsetWidth/4) + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.AboveLeft) { htmlElement.style.top = location.y - this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x - offsetAmount + "px"; } else // This fall through logic gets called if the DisplayPositon is "RightSide" or anything else for that matter { htmlElement.style.top = location.y + "px"; htmlElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + offsetAmount + "px"; } }, _setBarDisplayLocation : function(outerElement, innerElement) { if (this.get_element().offsetHeight > 0) { var outerBorder = $common.getBorderBox(outerElement); var outerPadding = $common.getPaddingBox(outerElement); var leftIndent = outerBorder.left + outerPadding.left; var topIndent = outerBorder.top + outerPadding.top; innerElement.style.height = this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; // why does IE only do a minimum height???? outerElement.style.height = this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; var location = $common.getLocation(this.get_element()); var offsetAmount = 15; if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.LeftSide) { var initialVisibleState = $common.getVisible(this._barOuterDiv); $common.setVisible(this._barOuterDiv,true); var barBounds = $common.getContentSize(outerElement); $common.setVisible(this._barOuterDiv, initialVisibleState); var _barIndicatorWidth = barBounds.width; outerElement.style.top = location.y + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x - parseInt(_barIndicatorWidth) - offsetAmount + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x - parseInt(_barIndicatorWidth) - offsetAmount + leftIndent + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.BelowRight) { outerElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + leftIndent + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.BelowLeft) { outerElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y + this.get_element().offsetHeight + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x + leftIndent + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.AboveRight) { outerElement.style.top = location.y-this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y-this.get_element().offsetHeight + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + leftIndent + "px"; } else if (this._displayPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.AboveLeft) { outerElement.style.top = location.y-this.get_element().offsetHeight + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y-this.get_element().offsetHeight + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x + leftIndent + "px"; } else // This fall through logic gets called if the DisplayPositon is "RightSide" or anything else for that matter { outerElement.style.top = location.y + "px"; outerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + offsetAmount + "px"; innerElement.style.top = location.y + topIndent + "px"; innerElement.style.left = location.x + this.get_element().offsetWidth + offsetAmount + leftIndent + "px"; } } }, _showStrength : function() { var e = this.get_element(); if (e.readOnly == true) return; var pwdStrength = this._getPasswordStrength(); if (this._strengthIndicator == Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.BarIndicator) { $common.setVisible(this._barOuterDiv , true); $common.setVisible(this._barInnerDiv, true); var index = 0; if (this._styleArray != null && this._styleArray.length > 0) { index = parseInt(pwdStrength/100 * (this._styleArray.length-1)); } this._setBarDisplayStyle(index); this._setBarDisplayLocation(this._barOuterDiv,this._barInnerDiv); this._showStrengthAsBarValue(pwdStrength); } else { this._createTextDescriptions(this._txtStrengthDescriptions); $common.setVisible(this._displayDiv, true); var index = parseInt(pwdStrength/100 * (this._levelArray.length-1)); var pwdStrengthText = this._levelArray[index]; this._setTextDisplayStyle(index); this._setTextDisplayLocation(this._displayDiv); this._showStrengthAsText(pwdStrengthText); } }, _showStrengthAsText : function(pwdStrengthVal) { this._displayDiv.innerHTML = this._prefixText + pwdStrengthVal; }, _showStrengthAsBarValue : function(strengthValue) { var bounds = $common.getContentSize(this._barOuterDiv); var outerPadding = $common.getPaddingBox(this._barOuterDiv); var barLength = parseInt( bounds.width * (strengthValue / 100)); this._barInnerDiv.style.width = barLength + "px"; }, _getPasswordStrength : function() { var pwd = Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.get_Wrapper(this.get_element()).get_Value(); var pwdRequirements = ''; // This will contain what is required to make this password a 'strong' password. var percentTotal = 0; var weights = this._calcWeightings.split(';'); if (weights.length != 4) Sys.Debug.assert(null, Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_InvalidWeightingRatios); var _ratioLen = parseInt(weights[0]); var _ratioNum = parseInt(weights[1]); var _ratioCas = parseInt(weights[2]); var _ratioSym = parseInt(weights[3]); var ratio = pwd.length / this._preferredPasswordLength; if (ratio > 1) ratio = 1; var lengthStrength = (ratio * _ratioLen); percentTotal += lengthStrength; if (ratio < 1) pwdRequirements = String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingCharacters, this._preferredPasswordLength - pwd.length); if (this._minimumNumericCharacters > 0) { var numbersRegex = new RegExp("[0-9]", "g"); var numCount = this._getRegexCount(numbersRegex,pwd); if ( numCount >= this._minimumNumericCharacters) percentTotal += _ratioNum; if (numCount < this._minimumNumericCharacters) { if (pwdRequirements != '') pwdRequirements += ', '; pwdRequirements += String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingNumbers, this._minimumNumericCharacters - numCount); } } else { percentTotal += (ratio * _ratioNum); } if (this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters == true || (typeof(this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters) == 'String' && Boolean.parse(this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters) == true) ) { var lowercaseRegex = new RegExp("[a-z]", "g"); var uppercaseRegex = new RegExp("[A-Z]", "g"); var numLower = this._getRegexCount(lowercaseRegex,pwd); var numUpper = this._getRegexCount(uppercaseRegex,pwd); if (numLower > 0 || numUpper > 0) { if (numLower >= this._minLowerCaseChars && numUpper >= this._minUpperCaseChars) percentTotal += _ratioCas; else { if (this._minLowerCaseChars > 0 && (this._minLowerCaseChars - numLower) > 0) { if (pwdRequirements != '') pwdRequirements += ', '; pwdRequirements += String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingLowerCase, this._minLowerCaseChars - numLower); } if (this._minUpperCaseChars > 0 && (this._minUpperCaseChars - numUpper) > 0) { if (pwdRequirements != '') pwdRequirements += ', '; pwdRequirements += String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingUpperCase, this._minUpperCaseChars - numUpper); } } } else { if (pwdRequirements != '') pwdRequirements += ', '; pwdRequirements += Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingMixedCase; } } else { percentTotal += (ratio * _ratioCas); } if (this._minimumSymbolCharacters > 0) { var symbolRegex = new RegExp("[^a-z,A-Z,0-9,\x20]", "g"); // related to work item 1034 var numCount = this._getRegexCount(symbolRegex,pwd); if (numCount >= this._minimumSymbolCharacters) percentTotal += _ratioSym; if (numCount < this._minimumSymbolCharacters) { if (pwdRequirements != '') pwdRequirements += ', '; pwdRequirements += String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_RemainingSymbols, this._minimumSymbolCharacters - numCount); } } else { percentTotal += (ratio * _ratioSym); } this.set_HelpText(pwdRequirements); return percentTotal; }, _getRegexCount : function(regex,testString) { var cnt = 0; if (testString != null && testString != "") { var results = testString.match(regex); if (results != null) cnt = results.length; } return cnt; }, _extractStyles : function() { if (this._strengthStyles != null && this._strengthStyles != "" ) this._styleArray = this._strengthStyles.split(this._txtseparator); }, _createTextDescriptions : function(descriptions) { this._levelArray = this._txtStrengthDescriptions.split(this._txtseparator); this._extractStyles(); if (this._styleArray.length > 0 && this._styleArray.length != this._levelArray.length) { Sys.Debug.assert(false, Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_InvalidStrengthDescriptionStyles); } if (this._levelArray.length < this._MIN_TXT_LEVEL_COUNT || this._levelArray > this._MAX_TXT_LEVEL_COUNT) { Sys.Debug.assert(false, Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_InvalidStrengthDescriptions); } }, _onKeyPress : function() { this._showStrength(); }, _onBlur : function() { if (this._strengthIndicator == Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.BarIndicator) { $common.setVisible(this._barOuterDiv, false); $common.setVisible(this._barInnerDiv, false); } else { $common.setVisible(this._displayDiv, false); } }, _onHelpClick : function() { if (this._helpText == '') alert(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PasswordStrength_Satisfied); else alert(this._helpText); }, dispose : function() { var e = this.get_element(); if (this._keyPressHandler) { $removeHandler(e,'keyup', this._keyPressHandler); this._keyPressHandler = null; } if (this._blurHandler) { $removeHandler(e,'blur', this._blurHandler); this._blurHandler = null; } if (this._helpClickHandler) { $removeHandler(this._helpDiv, 'click', this._helpClickHandler); this._helpClickHandler = null; } if(this._displayDiv) $common.setVisible(this._displayDiv, false); if (this._barOuterDiv) $common.setVisible(this._barOuterDiv,false); if (this._barInnerDiv) $common.setVisible(this._barInnerDiv, false); if (this._helpHandleCssClass != '' && this._helpDiv) $common.setVisible(this._helpDiv ,false); Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, get_PreferredPasswordLength : function() { return this._preferredPasswordLength; }, set_PreferredPasswordLength : function(value) { if (this._preferredPasswordLength != value) { this._preferredPasswordLength = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('PreferredPasswordLength'); } }, get_MinimumNumericCharacters : function() { return this._minimumNumericCharacters; }, set_MinimumNumericCharacters : function(value) { if (this._minimumNumericCharacters != value) { this._minimumNumericCharacters = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('MinimumNumericCharacters'); } }, get_MinimumSymbolCharacters : function() { return this._minimumSymbolCharacters; }, set_MinimumSymbolCharacters : function(value) { if (this._minimumSymbolCharacters != value) { this._minimumSymbolCharacters = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('MinimumSymbolCharacters'); } }, get_RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters : function() { return this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters; }, set_RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters : function(value) { if (this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters != value) { this._requiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('RequiresUpperAndLowerCaseCharacters'); } }, get_TextCssClass : function() { return this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass; }, set_TextCssClass : function(value) { if (this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass != value) { this._txtPwdStrengthCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('TextCssClass'); } }, get_BarBorderCssClass : function() { return this._barBorderCssClass; }, set_BarBorderCssClass : function(value) { if (this._barBorderCssClass != value) { this._barBorderCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('BarBorderCssClass'); } }, get_BarIndicatorCssClass : function() { return this._barIndicatorCssClass; }, set_BarIndicatorCssClass : function(value) { if (this._barIndicatorCssClass != value) { this._barIndicatorCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('BarIndicatorCssClass'); } }, get_DisplayPosition : function() { return this._displayPosition; }, set_DisplayPosition : function(value) { if (this._displayPosition != value) { this._displayPosition = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('DisplayPosition'); } }, get_PrefixText : function() { return this._prefixText; }, set_PrefixText : function(value) { if (this._prefixText != value) { this._prefixText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('PrefixText'); } }, get_StrengthIndicatorType : function() { return this._strengthIndicator; }, set_StrengthIndicatorType : function(value) { if (this._strengthIndicator != value) { this._strengthIndicator = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('StrengthIndicatorType'); } }, get_TextStrengthDescriptions : function() { return this._txtStrengthDescriptions; }, set_TextStrengthDescriptions : function(value) { if (value != null && value != '' && value != this._txtStrengthDescriptions) { this._txtStrengthDescriptions = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('TextStrengthDescriptions'); } }, get_StrengthStyles : function() { return this._strengthStyles; }, set_StrengthStyles : function(value) { if (value != null && value != '' && value != this._strengthStyles) { this._strengthStyles = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('StrengthStyles'); } }, get_TextStrengthDescriptionStyles : function() { return this.get_StrengthStyles(); }, set_TextStrengthDescriptionStyles : function(value) { this.set_StrengthStyles(value); }, get_HelpHandleCssClass : function() { return this._helpHandleCssClass; }, set_HelpHandleCssClass : function(value) { if (this._helpHandleCssClass != value) { this._helpHandleCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('HelpHandleCssClass'); } }, get_HelpHandlePosition : function() { return this._helpHandlePosition; }, set_HelpHandlePosition : function(value) { if (this._helpHandlePosition != value) { this._helpHandlePosition = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('HelpHandlePosition'); } }, get_HelpText : function() { return this._helpText; }, get_CalculationWeightings : function() { return this._calcWeightings; }, set_CalculationWeightings : function(value) { if (this._calcWeightings != value) { this._calcWeightings = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CalculationWeightings'); } }, set_HelpText : function(value) { if (this._helpStatusLabelID) { var label = $get(this._helpStatusLabelID); if (label) { if (Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.get_Wrapper(this.get_element()).get_Value().length > 0) { label.innerHTML = value; } else { label.innerHTML = ""; } } } if (this._helpText != value) { this._helpText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('HelpText'); } }, get_MinimumLowerCaseCharacters : function() { return this._minLowerCaseChars; }, set_MinimumLowerCaseCharacters : function(value) { this._minLowerCaseChars = value; }, get_MinimumUpperCaseCharacters : function() { return this._minUpperCaseChars; }, set_MinimumUpperCaseCharacters : function(value) { this._minUpperCaseChars = value; }, get_HelpStatusLabelID : function() { return this._helpStatusLabelID; }, set_HelpStatusLabelID : function(value) { if (this._helpStatusLabelID != value) { this._helpStatusLabelID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('HelpStatusLabelID'); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.PasswordStrengthExtenderBehavior, { name: "passwordStrength" }); Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes = function() { throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition = function() { throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.prototype = { Text: 0, BarIndicator: 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.prototype = { RightSide: 0, AboveRight: 1, AboveLeft: 2, LeftSide: 3, BelowRight: 4, BelowLeft: 5 } Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.DisplayPosition'); Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.StrengthIndicatorTypes'); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase", "ExtendedCommon"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();