// Name: BubbleChart.BubbleChart.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Extended.UI"); Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart = function (element) { Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart.initializeBase(this, [element]); var id = this.get_id(); id = id.replace("_ctl00", ""); this._parentDiv = document.getElementById(id + "__ParentDiv"); this._chartWidth = '300'; this._chartHeight = '200'; this._chartTitle = ''; this._bubbleChartClientValues = null; this._theme = 'BubbleChart'; this._yAxisLines = 6; this._xAxisLines = 6; this._bubbleSizes = 5; this._chartTitleColor = ''; this._yAxisLineColor = ''; this._xAxisLineColor = ''; this._baseLineColor = ''; this._tooltipBackgroundColor = '#ffffff'; this._tooltipFontColor = '#0E426C'; this._tooltipBorderColor = '#B85B3E'; this._xAxisLabel = ''; this._yAxisLabel = ''; this._bubbleLabel = ''; this._axislabelFontColor = '#000000'; this.yMax = 0; this.yMin = 0; this.xMax = 0; this.xMin = 0; this.dataMax = 0; this.dataMin = 0; this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize = 0; this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize = 0; this.roundedBubbleSize = 0; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.endX = 0; this.endY = 0; this.xInterval = 0; this.yInterval = 0; this.charLength = 3.5; this._divTooltip = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart.prototype = { initialize: function () { Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); if (!document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image", "1.1")) { throw 'Current version of browser does not support SVG.'; } if (this._yAxisLines == 0) { this._yAxisLines = 6; } if (this._xAxisLines == 0) { this._xAxisLines = 6; } if (this._bubbleSizes == 0) { this._bubbleSizes = 5; } this.generateTooltipDiv(); this.generateBubbleChart(); }, dispose: function () { Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); }, generateTooltipDiv: function () { this._divTooltip = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'div', properties: { id: this.get_id() + '_tooltipDiv', style: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: this._tooltipBackgroundColor, borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: '5px', borderColor: this._tooltipBorderColor, left: '0px', top: '0px', color: this._tooltipFontColor, visibility: 'hidden', zIndex: '10000', padding: '10px' } } }, this._parentDiv); }, generateBubbleChart: function () { this.calculateMinMaxValues(); this.calculateBubbleSize(); this.calculateAxisValues(); var svgContents = this.intializeSVG(); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('{2}', parseInt(this._chartWidth) / 2 - (this._chartTitle.length * this.charLength), parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 5 / 100, this._chartTitle, this._chartTitleColor); this.calculateIntervals(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBackgroundHorizontalLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBackgroundVerticalLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBaseLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawAxisValues(); this._parentDiv.innerHTML = this._parentDiv.innerHTML + svgContents; this.drawBubbles(this, 0); }, intializeSVG: function () { var svgContents = String.format('', this._theme); svgContents = String.format('', this._chartWidth, this._chartHeight, parseFloat(this._chartWidth) * 0.99, parseFloat(this._chartHeight) * 0.99); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10 + 5, parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5, parseInt(this._chartHeight) - parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', this._chartWidth, parseInt(this._chartHeight) - 5); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10 + 5, parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5, parseInt(this._chartHeight) - parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10); return svgContents; }, drawBubbles: function (me, index) { me._parentDiv.innerHTML = me._parentDiv.innerHTML.replace('', '') + String.format('', me.startX + Math.round((parseFloat(me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].X) / me.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize) * me.xInterval), me.startY + Math.round(((-1 * parseFloat(me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].Y)) / me.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize) * me.yInterval), Math.round((parseFloat(me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].Data) / me.roundedBubbleSize) * me._bubbleSizes), me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].BubbleColor, index + 1, me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].Category, me._bubbleChartClientValues[index].Data, me._bubbleLabel); index++; if (index < me._bubbleChartClientValues.length) { // if the counter < series length, call the loop function setTimeout(function () { me.drawBubbles(me, index); }, 400); } }, calculateMinMaxValues: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._bubbleChartClientValues.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { this.dataMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data); this.dataMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data); this.yMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y); this.yMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y); this.xMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].X); this.xMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].X); } else { if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data) > this.dataMax) this.dataMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data); if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data) < this.dataMin) this.dataMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data); if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].X) > this.xMax) this.xMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].X); if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Data) < this.xMin) this.xMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].X); if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y) > this.yMax) this.yMax = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y); if (parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y) < this.yMin) this.yMin = parseFloat(this._bubbleChartClientValues[i].Y); } } if (this.xMin < 0) this._xAxisLines = Math.round(this._xAxisLines / 2); if (this.yMin < 0) this._yAxisLines = Math.round(this._yAxisLines / 2); }, calculateBubbleSize: function () { var pow10x; var x; var bubbleRange; var unroundedBubbleSize; bubbleRange = this.dataMax; unroundedBubbleSize = bubbleRange / (this._bubbleSizes - 1); x = Math.ceil((Math.log(unroundedBubbleSize) / Math.log(10)) - 1); pow10x = Math.pow(10, x); this.roundedBubbleSize = Math.ceil(unroundedBubbleSize / pow10x) * pow10x; }, calculateAxisValues: function () { var valueRange; var unroundedValueSize; if (this.yMin < 0) { valueRange = this.yMax > Math.abs(this.yMin) ? this.yMax : Math.abs(this.yMin); } else { valueRange = this.yMax; } unroundedValueSize = valueRange / (this._yAxisLines - 1); if (unroundedValueSize < 1) { this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize = unroundedValueSize.toFixed(1); } else { x = Math.ceil((Math.log(unroundedValueSize) / Math.log(10)) - 1); pow10x = Math.pow(10, x); this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize = Math.ceil(unroundedValueSize / pow10x) * pow10x; } var xRange; var unroundedXSize; if (this.xMin < 0) { xRange = this.xMax > Math.abs(this.xMin) ? this.xMax : Math.abs(this.xMin); } else { xRange = this.xMax; } unroundedXSize = xRange / (this._xAxisLines - 1); if (unroundedValueSize < 1) { this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize = unroundedXSize.toFixed(1); } else { x = Math.ceil((Math.log(unroundedXSize) / Math.log(10)) - 1); pow10x = Math.pow(10, x); this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize = Math.ceil(unroundedXSize / pow10x) * pow10x; } }, calculateIntervals: function () { this.endX = parseFloat(this._chartWidth) - (parseFloat(this._chartWidth) * 5 / 100); if (this.xMin < 0) { this.startX = Math.round(parseFloat(this._chartWidth) + (parseFloat(this._chartWidth) * 10 / 100)) / 2 + 0.5; } else { this.startX = (parseFloat(this._chartWidth) * 20 / 100) + 0.5; } if (this.xMin < 0) this.xInterval = (this.endX - this.startX) / (this._xAxisLines); else this.xInterval = Math.round((this.endX - this.startX) / (this._xAxisLines)); if (this.yMin < 0) this.startY = Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) - (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 5 / 100)) / 2 + 0.5; else this.startY = Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) - (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 20 / 100)) + 0.5; this.yInterval = this.startY / (this._yAxisLines + 1); this.endY = this.startY - (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines); }, drawBackgroundHorizontalLines: function () { var horizontalLineContents = ''; for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.endX, this.startY - (this.yInterval * i), this._xAxisLineColor); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.endX, this.startY + (this.yInterval * i), this._xAxisLineColor); } } if (this.xMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, (this.startX - (this.xInterval * this._xAxisLines)), (this.startY - (this.yInterval * i)), this._xAxisLineColor); } } if (this.xMin < 0 && this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startX - (this.xInterval * this._xAxisLines), (this.startY + (this.yInterval * i)), this._xAxisLineColor); } } return horizontalLineContents; }, drawBackgroundVerticalLines: function () { var verticalLineContents = ''; for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.endY, this._yAxisLineColor); } if (this.xMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.endY, this._yAxisLineColor); } } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines), this._yAxisLineColor); } } if (this.xMin < 0 && this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines), this._yAxisLineColor); } } return verticalLineContents; }, drawBaseLines: function () { var baseLineContents = ''; baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.endX, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.endY, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.startX + 4, this._baseLineColor); for (var i = 0; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - 4, this.startX, this.startY - (this.yInterval * i), this._baseLineColor); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - 4, this.startX, this.startY + (this.yInterval * i), this._baseLineColor); } baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', (this.startX - (this.xInterval * this._xAxisLines)), this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines), this._baseLineColor); } for (var i = 0; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); } if (this.xMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - (this.xInterval * i), this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); } baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, (this.startX - (this.xInterval * this._xAxisLines)), this.startY, this._baseLineColor); } return baseLineContents; }, drawAxisValues: function () { var axisValueContents = ''; var textLength = 0; for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5; axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('{2}', this.startX - textLength - 10, this.startY - (this.yInterval * i) + 4, this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._yAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5 + 5.5; // add length for -ve character axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('-{2}', this.startX - textLength - 10, this.startY + (this.yInterval * i) + 4, this.yRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10); } } for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5; axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('{2}', Math.round(this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) - (textLength / 2)), this.startY + Math.round(this.yInterval * 25 / 100) + 5, this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10); } if (this.xMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._xAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5 + 5.5; // add length for -ve character axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('-{2}', Math.round(this.startX - (this.xInterval * i) - (textLength / 2)), this.startY + Math.round(this.yInterval * 25 / 100) + 5, this.xRoundedIntervalLabelSize * 10 * i / 10); } } var yLabelStart; if (this.yMin < 0) yLabelStart = Math.round((this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines)) - (this.startY - (this.yInterval * this._yAxisLines))) / 2; else yLabelStart = Math.round((this.startY - this.endY) / 2); axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('{2}', Math.round(parseFloat(this._chartWidth) * 5 / 100), yLabelStart + (this._yAxisLabel.toString().length * this.charLength), this._yAxisLabel, this._axislabelFontColor); axisValueContents = axisValueContents + String.format('{2}', Math.round(parseInt(this._chartWidth) / 2 - (this._xAxisLabel.toString().length * this.charLength) / 2), Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 90 / 100 + 5), this._xAxisLabel, this._axislabelFontColor); return axisValueContents; }, get_chartWidth: function () { return this._chartWidth; }, set_chartWidth: function (value) { this._chartWidth = value; }, get_chartHeight: function () { return this._chartHeight; }, set_chartHeight: function (value) { this._chartHeight = value; }, get_chartTitle: function () { return this._chartTitle; }, set_chartTitle: function (value) { this._chartTitle = value; }, get_BubbleChartClientValues: function () { return this._bubbleChartClientValues; }, set_BubbleChartClientValues: function (value) { this._bubbleChartClientValues = value; }, get_theme: function () { return this._theme; }, set_theme: function (value) { this._theme = value; }, get_yAxisLines: function () { return this._yAxisLines; }, set_yAxisLines: function (value) { this._yAxisLines = value; }, get_xAxisLines: function () { return this._xAxisLines; }, set_xAxisLines: function (value) { this._xAxisLines = value; }, get_chartTitleColor: function () { return this._chartTitleColor; }, set_chartTitleColor: function (value) { this._chartTitleColor = value; }, get_yAxisLineColor: function () { return this._yAxisLineColor; }, set_yAxisLineColor: function (value) { this._yAxisLineColor = value; }, get_xAxisLineColor: function () { return this._xAxisLineColor; }, set_xAxisLineColor: function (value) { this._xAxisLineColor = value; }, get_bubbleSizes: function () { return this._bubbleSizes; }, set_bubbleSizes: function (value) { this._bubbleSizes = value; }, get_baseLineColor: function () { return this._baseLineColor; }, set_baseLineColor: function (value) { this._baseLineColor = value; }, get_tooltipBackgroundColor: function () { return this.tooltipBackgroundColor; }, set_tooltipBackgroundColor: function (value) { this.tooltipBackgroundColor = value; }, get_tooltipFontColor: function () { return this._tooltipFontColor; }, set_tooltipFontColor: function (value) { this._tooltipFontColor = value; }, get_tooltipBorderColor: function () { return this._tooltipBorderColor; }, set_tooltipBorderColor: function (value) { this._tooltipBorderColor = value; }, get_xAxisLabel: function () { return this._xAxisLabel; }, set_xAxisLabel: function (value) { this._xAxisLabel = value; }, get_yAxisLabel: function () { return this._yAxisLabel; }, set_yAxisLabel: function (value) { this._yAxisLabel = value; }, get_bubbleLabel: function () { return this._bubbleLabel; }, set_bubbleLabel: function (value) { this._bubbleLabel = value; }, get_axislabelFontColor: function () { return this._axislabelFontColor; }, set_axislabelFontColor: function (value) { this._axislabelFontColor = value; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart.registerClass("Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart", Sys.Extended.UI.ControlBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.BubbleChart, { name: 'BubbleChart', parameters: [{ name: 'BubbleChartClientValues', type: 'BubbleChartValue[]'}] });