// Name: Slider.SliderBehavior_resource.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: /// /// /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedSlider"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal = function() { Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal.initializeBase(this); this._instance = null; } Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal.prototype = { _getInstance : function() { this._instance = new Sys.Extended.UI.GenericDragDropManager(); this._instance.initialize(); this._instance.add_dragStart(Function.createDelegate(this, this._raiseDragStart)); this._instance.add_dragStop(Function.createDelegate(this, this._raiseDragStop)); return this._instance; } } Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal', Sys.Extended.UI._DragDropManager); Sys.Extended.UI.SliderDragDropManagerInternal = new Sys.Extended.UI._SliderDragDropManagerInternal(); Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation = function() { } Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation.prototype = { Horizontal : 0, Vertical : 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation', false); Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior = function(element) { Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._minimum = 0; this._maximum = 100; this._value = null; this._steps = 0; this._decimals = 0; this._orientation = Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation.Horizontal; this._railElement = null; this._railCssClass = null; this._isHorizontal = true; this._isUpdatingInternal = false; this._isInitializedInternal = false; this._enableHandleAnimation = false; this._handle = null; this._handleImage = null; this._handleAnimation = null; this._handleAnimationDuration = 0.1; this._handleImageUrl = null; this._handleCssClass = null; this._dragHandle = null; this._mouseupHandler = null; this._selectstartHandler = null; this._boundControlChangeHandler = null; this._boundControlKeyPressHandler = null; this._boundControlID = null; this._boundControl = null; this._length = null; this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp = true; this._animationPending = false; this._selectstartPending = false; this._tooltipText = ''; this._enableKeyboard = true; this._keyDownHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); this._initializeLayout(); }, dispose : function() { this._disposeHandlers(); this._disposeBoundControl(); if(this._enableHandleAnimation && this._handleAnimation) { this._handleAnimation.dispose(); } Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, _initializeLayout : function() { this._railElement = document.createElement('DIV'); this._railElement.id = this.get_id() + '_railElement'; this._railElement.tabIndex = -1; this._railElement.innerHTML = '
'; this._handle = this._railElement.childNodes[0]; this._handle.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this._handle.style.position = 'absolute'; if(Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Opera) { this._handle.style.left = '0px'; this._handle.style.top = '0px'; } var textBoxElement = this.get_element(); var textBoxElementBounds = $common.getBounds(textBoxElement); textBoxElement.parentNode.insertBefore(this._railElement, textBoxElement); this._isHorizontal = (this._orientation == Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation.Horizontal); var defaultRailCssClass = (this._isHorizontal) ? 'ajax__slider_h_rail' : 'ajax__slider_v_rail'; var defaultHandleCssClass = (this._isHorizontal) ? 'ajax__slider_h_handle' : 'ajax__slider_v_handle'; var defaultHandleImageUrl = (this._isHorizontal) ? 'WebResource.axd?d=EbXxo3nVHDsV_jSgIBoW5et5j37nAiogwJPlN26uOr8veKh1ZqMrviAvEjR2KImpMOH14Axu1ZOym6BLSMKKoFHewo1WQK5Pk3J9New7XmpGFCPA0lzTZTnqMFC9r31eaZ_5L6X9l313YiXgQMGgJQ2&t=635226285400000000' : 'WebResource.axd?d=wTnKqC9-v27oSAbPhB_SfnbKWho-o3nx1fRUZANb7nFGR3jDwxE8027NJeWLmcEods1f9ua-4NlfDxeKdbbZQkSUriWC8h-MQAiHs1zBft99rFSuTFTgB43qzeFONqVjeBPvOX4s9-X7HJzFGM74Rg2&t=635226285400000000'; this._railElement.className = (this._railCssClass) ? this._railCssClass : defaultRailCssClass; this._handle.className = (this._handleCssClass) ? this._handleCssClass : defaultHandleCssClass; if(!this._handleImageUrl) this._handleImageUrl = defaultHandleImageUrl; if (this._isHorizontal) { if(this._length) this._railElement.style.width = this._length; } else { if(this._length) this._railElement.style.height = this._length; } this._loadHandleImage(); this._enforceTextBoxElementPositioning(); this._hideTextBoxElement(); this._initializeSlider(); }, _enforceTextBoxElementPositioning : function() { var tbPosition = { position: this.get_element().style.position, top: this.get_element().style.top, right: this.get_element().style.right, bottom: this.get_element().style.bottom, left: this.get_element().style.left }; if(tbPosition.position != '') { this._railElement.style.position = tbPosition.position; } if(tbPosition.top != '') { this._railElement.style.top = tbPosition.top; } if(tbPosition.right != '') { this._railElement.style.right = tbPosition.right; } if(tbPosition.bottom != '') { this._railElement.style.bottom = tbPosition.bottom; } if(tbPosition.left != '') { this._railElement.style.left = tbPosition.left; } }, _hideTextBoxElement: function() { var textBoxElement = this.get_element(); textBoxElement.readOnly = true; var dimension = '0px'; if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Safari) { dimension = '1px'; } textBoxElement.style.width = dimension; textBoxElement.style.height = dimension; textBoxElement.style.border = '0px'; textBoxElement.style.padding = '0px'; textBoxElement.style.margin = '0px'; textBoxElement.style.fontSize = '1px'; textBoxElement.style.lineHeight = '1px'; textBoxElement.style.outline = '0'; textBoxElement.style.position = 'absolute'; }, _loadHandleImage : function() { this._handleImage = document.createElement('IMG'); this._handleImage.id = this.get_id() + '_handleImage'; this._handle.appendChild(this._handleImage); this._handleImage.src = this._handleImageUrl; }, _initializeSlider : function() { this._initializeBoundControl(); var _elementValue; try { _elementValue = parseFloat(this.get_element().value); } catch(ex) { _elementValue = Number.NaN; } this.set_Value(_elementValue); this._setHandleOffset(this._value); this._initializeDragHandle(); Sys.Extended.UI.SliderDragDropManagerInternal.registerDropTarget(this); this._initializeHandlers(); this._initializeHandleAnimation(); this._isInitializedInternal = true; this._raiseEvent('sliderInitialized'); }, _initializeBoundControl : function() { if(this._boundControl) { var isInputElement = this._boundControl.nodeName == 'INPUT'; if(isInputElement) { this._boundControlChangeHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBoundControlChange); this._boundControlKeyPressHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBoundControlKeyPress); $addHandler(this._boundControl, 'change', this._boundControlChangeHandler); $addHandler(this._boundControl, 'keypress', this._boundControlKeyPressHandler); } } }, _disposeBoundControl : function() { if(this._boundControl) {; var isInputElement = this._boundControl.nodeName == 'INPUT'; if(isInputElement) { $removeHandler(this._boundControl, 'change', this._boundControlChangeHandler); $removeHandler(this._boundControl, 'keypress', this._boundControlKeyPressHandler); } } }, _onBoundControlChange : function(evt) { this._animationPending = true; this._setValueFromBoundControl(); }, _onBoundControlKeyPress : function(evt) { if(evt.charCode == 13) { this._animationPending = true; this._setValueFromBoundControl(); evt.preventDefault(); } }, _setValueFromBoundControl : function() { this._isUpdatingInternal = true; if(this._boundControlID) { this._calcValue($get(this._boundControlID).value); } this._isUpdatingInternal = false; }, _initializeHandleAnimation : function() { if(this._steps > 0) { this._enableHandleAnimation = false; return; } if(this._enableHandleAnimation) { this._handleAnimation = new Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.LengthAnimation( this._handle, this._handleAnimationDuration, 100, 'style'); } }, _ensureBinding : function() { if(this._boundControl) { var value = this._value; if(value >= this._minimum || value <= this._maximum) { var isInputElement = this._boundControl.nodeName == 'INPUT'; if(isInputElement) { this._boundControl.value = value; } else if(this._boundControl) { this._boundControl.innerHTML = value; } } } }, _getBoundsInternal : function(element) { var bounds = $common.getBounds(element); function hasSize() { return bounds.width > 0 && bounds.height > 0; } if(!hasSize()) { bounds.width = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(element, 'width')); bounds.height = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(element, 'height')); if(!hasSize()) { var tempNode = element.cloneNode(true); tempNode.visibility = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(tempNode); bounds.width = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(tempNode, 'width')); bounds.height = parseInt($common.getCurrentStyle(tempNode, 'height')); document.body.removeChild(tempNode); if(!hasSize()) { throw Error.argument('element size', Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.Slider_NoSizeProvided); } } } if(this._orientation == Sys.Extended.UI.SliderOrientation.Vertical) { bounds = { x : bounds.y, y : bounds.x, height : bounds.width, width : bounds.height, right : bounds.right, bottom : bounds.bottom, location : {x:bounds.y, y:bounds.x}, size : {width:bounds.height, height:bounds.width} }; } return bounds; }, _getRailBounds : function() { var bounds = this._getBoundsInternal(this._railElement); return bounds; }, _getHandleBounds : function() { return this._getBoundsInternal(this._handle); }, _initializeDragHandle : function() { var dh = this._dragHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); dh.style.position = 'absolute'; dh.style.width = '1px'; dh.style.height = '1px'; dh.style.overflow = 'hidden'; dh.style.zIndex = '999'; dh.style.background = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(this._dragHandle); }, _resetDragHandle : function() { var handleBounds = $common.getBounds(this._handle); $common.setLocation(this._dragHandle, {x:handleBounds.x, y:handleBounds.y}); }, _initializeHandlers : function() { this._selectstartHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onSelectStart); this._mouseupHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseUp); this._keyDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyDown); $addHandler(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseupHandler); $addHandler(this.get_element(), 'keydown', this._keyDownHandler); $addHandlers(this._handle, { 'mousedown': this._onMouseDown, 'dragstart': this._IEDragDropHandler, 'drag': this._IEDragDropHandler, 'dragend': this._IEDragDropHandler }, this); $addHandlers(this._railElement, { 'click': this._onRailClick }, this); }, _disposeHandlers : function() { $clearHandlers(this._handle); $clearHandlers(this._railElement); $removeHandler(this.get_element(), 'keydown', this._keyDownHandler); $removeHandler(document, 'mouseup', this._mouseupHandler); this._keyDownHandler = null; this._mouseupHandler = null; this._selectstartHandler = null; }, startDragDrop : function(dragVisual) { this._resetDragHandle(); Sys.Extended.UI.SliderDragDropManagerInternal.startDragDrop(this, dragVisual, null); }, _onMouseDown : function(evt) { window._event = evt; evt.preventDefault(); if(!Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.DropPending) { Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.DropPending = this; $addHandler(document, 'selectstart', this._selectstartHandler); this._selectstartPending = true; this.startDragDrop(this._dragHandle); } }, _onMouseUp : function(evt) { var srcElement = evt.target; if(Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.DropPending == this) { Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.DropPending = null; if(this._selectstartPending) { $removeHandler(document, 'selectstart', this._selectstartHandler); } } }, _onKeyDown: function(e) { if (this._enableKeyboard) { var evt = new Sys.UI.DomEvent(e); switch (evt.keyCode || evt.rawEvent.keyCode) { case Sys.UI.Key.up: case Sys.UI.Key.left: this._handleSlide(true); evt.preventDefault(); return; case Sys.UI.Key.down: case Sys.UI.Key.right: this._handleSlide(false); evt.preventDefault(); return false; default: return false; } } }, _handleSlide: function(decrement) { this._animationPending = true; this._isUpdatingInternal = true; var currentValue = this.get_Value(); var increment; if (this._steps > 0) { var extent = this._maximum - this._minimum; var delta = (extent / (this._steps - 1)).toFixed(this._decimals); increment = delta; } else { increment = this._decimals == 0 ? 1 : 1 / Math.pow(10, this._decimals); } if (decrement) { increment = 0 - increment } this._calcValue(parseFloat(currentValue) + parseFloat(increment)); this._isUpdatingInternal = false; this._fireTextBoxChangeEvent(); }, _onRailClick : function(evt) { if(evt.target == this._railElement) { this._animationPending = true; this._onRailClicked(evt); } }, _IEDragDropHandler : function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }, _onSelectStart : function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }, _calcValue : function(value, mouseOffset) { var val; if(value != null) { if(!Number.isInstanceOfType(value)) { try { value = parseFloat(value); } catch(ex) { value = Number.NaN; } } if(isNaN(value)) { value = this._minimum; } val = (value < this._minimum) ? this._minimum : (value > this._maximum) ? this._maximum : value; } else { var _minimum = this._minimum; var _maximum = this._maximum; var handleBounds = this._getHandleBounds(); var sliderBounds = this._getRailBounds(); var handleX = (mouseOffset) ? mouseOffset - handleBounds.width / 2 : handleBounds.x - sliderBounds.x; var extent = sliderBounds.width - handleBounds.width; var percent = handleX / extent; val = (handleX == 0) ? _minimum : (handleX == (sliderBounds.width - handleBounds.width)) ? _maximum : _minimum + percent * (_maximum - _minimum); } if(this._steps > 0) { val = this._getNearestStepValue(val); } val = (val < this._minimum) ? this._minimum : (val > this._maximum) ? this._maximum : val; this._isUpdatingInternal = true; this.set_Value(val); this._isUpdatingInternal = false; return val; }, _setHandleOffset : function(value, playHandleAnimation) { var _minimum = this._minimum; var _maximum = this._maximum; var handleBounds = this._getHandleBounds(); var sliderBounds = this._getRailBounds(); var extent = _maximum - _minimum; var fraction = (value - _minimum) / extent; var hypOffset = Math.round(fraction * (sliderBounds.width - handleBounds.width)); var offset = (value == _minimum) ? 0 : (value == _maximum) ? (sliderBounds.width - handleBounds.width) : hypOffset; if(playHandleAnimation) { this._handleAnimation.set_startValue(handleBounds.x - sliderBounds.x); this._handleAnimation.set_endValue(offset); this._handleAnimation.set_propertyKey((this._isHorizontal) ? 'left' : 'top'); this._handleAnimation.play(); this._animationPending = false; } else { if(this._isHorizontal) { this._handle.style.left = offset + 'px'; } else { this._handle.style.top = offset + 'px'; } } }, _getNearestStepValue : function(value) { if(this._steps == 0) return value; var extent = this._maximum - this._minimum; if (extent == 0) return value; var delta = extent / (this._steps - 1); return Math.round(value / delta) * delta; }, _onHandleReleased : function() { if(this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp) { this._fireTextBoxChangeEvent(); } this._raiseEvent('slideEnd'); }, _onRailClicked : function(evt) { var handleBounds = this._getHandleBounds(); var sliderBounds = this._getRailBounds(); var offset = (this._isHorizontal) ? evt.offsetX : evt.offsetY; var minOffset = handleBounds.width / 2; var maxOffset = sliderBounds.width - minOffset; offset = (offset < minOffset) ? minOffset : (offset > maxOffset) ? maxOffset : offset; this._calcValue(null, offset, true); this.get_element().focus(); this._fireTextBoxChangeEvent(); }, _fireTextBoxChangeEvent : function() { if (document.createEvent) { var onchangeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); onchangeEvent.initEvent('change', true, false); this.get_element().dispatchEvent(onchangeEvent); } else if(document.createEventObject) { this.get_element().fireEvent('onchange'); } }, get_dragDataType : function() { return 'HTML'; }, getDragData : function() { return this._handle; }, get_dragMode : function() { return Sys.Extended.UI.DragMode.Move; }, onDragStart : function() { this.get_element().focus(); this._resetDragHandle(); this._raiseEvent('slideStart'); }, onDrag : function() { var dragHandleBounds = this._getBoundsInternal(this._dragHandle); var handleBounds = this._getHandleBounds(); var sliderBounds = this._getRailBounds(); var handlePosition; if(this._isHorizontal) { handlePosition = { x:dragHandleBounds.x - sliderBounds.x, y:0 }; } else { handlePosition = { y:dragHandleBounds.x - sliderBounds.x, x:0 }; } $common.setLocation(this._handle, handlePosition); this._calcValue(null, null); if(this._steps > 1) { this._setHandleOffset(this.get_Value(), false); } }, onDragEnd : function() { this._onHandleReleased(); }, get_dropTargetElement : function() { return document.body; }, canDrop : function(dragMode, dataType) { return dataType == 'HTML'; }, drop : Function.emptyMethod, onDragEnterTarget : Function.emptyMethod, onDragLeaveTarget : Function.emptyMethod, onDragInTarget : Function.emptyMethod, add_sliderInitialized : function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('sliderInitialized', handler); }, remove_sliderInitialized : function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('sliderInitialized', handler); }, add_valueChanged : function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('valueChanged', handler); }, remove_valueChanged : function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('valueChanged', handler); }, add_slideStart : function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('slideStart', handler); }, remove_slideStart : function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('slideStart', handler); }, add_slideEnd : function(handler) { this.get_events().addHandler('slideEnd', handler); }, remove_slideEnd : function(handler) { this.get_events().removeHandler('slideEnd', handler); }, _raiseEvent : function(eventName, eventArgs) { var handler = this.get_events().getHandler(eventName); if (handler) { if (!eventArgs) { eventArgs = Sys.EventArgs.Empty; } handler(this, eventArgs); } }, get_Value : function() { return this._value; }, set_Value : function(value) { var oldValue = this._value; var newValue = value; if(!this._isUpdatingInternal) { newValue = this._calcValue(value); } this.get_element().value = this._value = newValue.toFixed(this._decimals); this._ensureBinding(); if(!Number.isInstanceOfType(this._value)) { try { this._value = parseFloat(this._value); } catch(ex) { this._value = Number.NaN; } } if(this._tooltipText) { this._handle.alt = this._handle.title = String.format(this._tooltipText, this._value); } if(this._isInitializedInternal) { this._setHandleOffset(newValue, this._enableHandleAnimation && this._animationPending); if(this._isUpdatingInternal) { if(!this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp) { this._fireTextBoxChangeEvent(); } } if(this._value != oldValue) { this._raiseEvent('valueChanged'); } } }, get_RailCssClass : function() { return this._railCssClass; }, set_RailCssClass : function(value) { this._railCssClass = value; }, get_HandleImageUrl : function() { return this._handleImageUrl; }, set_HandleImageUrl : function(value) { this._handleImageUrl = value; }, get_HandleCssClass : function() { return this._handleCssClass; }, set_HandleCssClass : function(value) { this._handleCssClass = value; }, get_Minimum : function() { return this._minimum; }, set_Minimum : function(value) { this._minimum = value; }, get_Maximum : function() { return this._maximum; }, set_Maximum : function(value) { this._maximum = value; }, get_Orientation : function() { return this._orientation; }, set_Orientation : function(value) { this._orientation = value; }, get_Steps : function() { return this._steps; }, set_Steps : function(value) { this._steps = Math.abs(value); this._steps = (this._steps == 1) ? 2 : this._steps; }, get_Decimals : function() { return this._decimals; }, set_Decimals : function(value) { this._decimals = Math.abs(value); }, get_EnableHandleAnimation : function() { return this._enableHandleAnimation; }, set_EnableHandleAnimation : function(value) { this._enableHandleAnimation = value; }, get_HandleAnimationDuration : function() { return this._handleAnimationDuration; }, set_HandleAnimationDuration : function(value) { this._handleAnimationDuration = value; }, get_BoundControlID : function() { return this._boundControlID; }, set_BoundControlID : function(value) { this._boundControlID = value; if(this._boundControlID) { this._boundControl = $get(this._boundControlID); } else { this._boundControl = null; } }, get_Length : function() { return this._length; }, set_Length : function(value) { this._length = value + 'px'; }, get_SliderInitialized : function() { return this._isInitializedInternal; }, get_RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp : function() { return this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp; }, set_RaiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp : function(value) { this._raiseChangeOnlyOnMouseUp = value; }, get_TooltipText : function() { return this._tooltipText; }, set_TooltipText : function(value) { this._tooltipText = value; }, get_enableKeyboard: function() { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to arrow keys when it has focus. /// return this._enableKeyboard; }, set_enableKeyboard: function(value) { /// /// Determines if the slider will respond to arrow keys when it has focus. /// if (value !== this._enableKeyboard) { this._enableKeyboard = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('enableKeyboard'); } }, getClientState : function() { var value = Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'get_ClientState'); if (value == '') value = null; return value; }, setClientState : function(value) { return Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'set_ClientState',[value]); } } Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.DropPending = null; // Global, used to work around an issue when using the GenericDragDropManager in IE. Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.SliderBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase, Sys.Extended.UI.IDragSource, Sys.Extended.UI.IDropTarget); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase", "ExtendedDragDrop", "ExendedAnimations"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();