// Name: jQuery.ToggleButton.ToggleButtonExtender.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation (function (window, $) { $act.createWidget('toggleButtonExtender', { idDecoration: '_ToggleButton', _create: function() { var self = this, el = self.element[0], id = el.id + this.idDecoration, container = $('
').insertBefore(el).css({ position: 'relative' }), opt = self.options; self._decoyElement = $('').appendTo(container) .attr({ id: id, href: '' }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', width: opt.imageWidth + 'px', height: opt.imageHeight + 'px', 'font-size': opt.imageHeight + 'px', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat' }); $(el).css({ visibility: 'hidden' }); self.onClick(); $(el).change(function () { self.onClick(); }); $(this._decoyElement).click(function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); $(el).click(); }).hover(function () { self._onDecoyElementMouseOver(); }, function () { self._onDecoyElementMouseOut(); }); if (window.$act.browser.agent === window.$act.browser.InternetExplorer) { container.parent().find('label').each(function () { if (el.id == $(this).prop('htmlFor')) { $(this).prop('htmlFor', id); } }); } }, onClick: function () { /// /// Handle the element's click events /// var self = this, el = self.element[0], opt = self.options; if (!el) return; if (el.checked) { self._decoyElement.css('background-image', 'url(' + (el.disabled ? opt.disabledCheckedImageUrl : opt.checkedImageUrl) + ')'); if (opt.checkedImageAlternateText) { self._decoyElement.prop('title', opt.checkedImageAlternateText); } } else { self._decoyElement.css('background-image', 'url(' + (el.disabled ? opt.disabledUncheckedImageUrl : opt.uncheckedImageUrl) + ')'); if (opt.uncheckedImageAlternateText) { self._decoyElement.prop('title', opt.uncheckedImageAlternateText); } } }, _onDecoyElementClick: function (e) { /// /// Handle the decoy element's click events /// this.element.click(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }, _onDecoyElementMouseOver: function () { /// /// Handle the decoy element's mouseover event /// var self = this, el = self.element[0], opt = self.options; if (el && !el.disabled) { if (el.checked && opt.checkedImageOverUrl) { self._decoyElement.css('background-image', 'url(' + opt.checkedImageOverUrl + ')'); if (opt.checkedImageOverAlternateText) { self._decoyElement.prop('title', opt.checkedImageOverAlternateText); } } else if (!el.checked && opt.uncheckedImageOverUrl) { self._decoyElement.css('background-image', 'url(' + opt.uncheckedImageOverUrl + ')'); if (opt.uncheckedImageOverAlternateText) { self._decoyElement.prop('title', opt.uncheckedImageOverAlternateText); } } } }, _onDecoyElementMouseOut: function () { /// /// Handle the decoy element's mouseout event /// this.onClick(); } }); })(window, actJQuery);