// Name: AjaxFileUpload.AjaxFileUpload.Processor.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload"); Type.registerNamespace("AjaxFileUpload"); Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.Processor = function (control, elements) { var utils = new Sys.Extended.UI.AjaxFileUpload.Utils(), xhrPoll = new XMLHttpRequest(); this._iframe = null; this._iframeName = control.get_id() + '_uploadIframe'; this._form = null; this.initialize = function () { this.attachEvents(); this.createIFrame(); this.createForm(); }; this.attachEvents = function () { this.onFileSelected$delegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFileSelectedHandler); this.attachFileInputEvents(elements.inputFile, true); var self = this; xhrPoll.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if (xhrPoll.readyState == 4) { if (xhrPoll.status == 200) { var percent = xhrPoll.responseText; if (percent) { percent = parseFloat(percent).toFixed(2); control.setPercent(percent); } if (percent < 100) setTimeout(function() { self.pollingServerProgress(true); }, 500); } else { } } }; }; this.attachFileInputEvents = function (fileInput, attach) { if (attach) $addHandlers(fileInput, { 'change': this.onFileSelected$delegate }); else $common.removeHandlers(fileInput, { 'change': this.onFileSelected$delegate }); }, this.onFileSelectedHandler = function (e) { /// /// User selects file through browser open file dialog. /// We generate file item and add it into file list, and recreate new element for next file. /// /// var fileItem = { id: utils.generateGuid(), value: elements.inputFile, type: utils.getFileType(elements.inputFile.value) }; if (control.fileTypeIsValid(fileItem.type)) { control.addFileToQueue(fileItem); this.createInputFileElement(); } else { control.confirmFileIsInvalid(fileItem); } }; this.createInputFileElement = function () { /// /// Create hidden input element file. /// var currentInputFile = elements.inputFile; currentInputFile.style.zIndex = -999; $common.setLocation(currentInputFile, { x: -99999, y: -99999 }); this.attachFileInputEvents(currentInputFile, false); var id = control.get_id() + '_file_' + utils.generateGuid(), newInputFile = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: 'input', properties: { id: id, name: "act-file-data", type: 'file', style: { zIndex: 0, cursor: 'pointer', position: 'absolute' } } }, currentInputFile.parentNode); $common.setElementOpacity(newInputFile, 0); this.attachFileInputEvents(newInputFile, true); elements.inputFile = newInputFile; }; this.startUpload = function () { /// /// Get un-uploaded file on the top from queue and start upload it. /// var form = this._form, fileItem = control.getNextFile(); if(!fileItem) { control._currentFileId = null; this.setThrobber(false); control.done(); return; } control.setAsUploading(fileItem); var inputElement = fileItem.get_inputElementValue(); control._currentFileId = fileItem._id; this.setThrobber(true); while (form.firstChild) { form.removeChild(form.firstChild); } inputElement.name= 'act-file-data'; form.appendChild(inputElement); form.setAttribute("action", control._uploadUrl + '?contextKey=' + control._contextKey + '&fileId=' + control._currentFileId + '&fileName=' + fileItem._fileName + '&usePoll=' + (control.get_serverPollingSupport() ? "true" : "false") + '&storeToAzure=' + control.get_storeToAzure() + '&acn=' + control.get_azureContainerName()); form.submit(); }; this.cancelUpload = function () { /// /// Send request to server to abort current upload progress. /// var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), self = this; if (xhrPoll) xhrPoll.abort(); xhr.open("POST", '?contextKey=' + control._contextKey + "&cancel=1&guid=" + control._currentFileId, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { self.setThrobber(false); if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { control.cancelUpload(); } else { self.raiseUploadError(xhr); throw "Failed to cancel upload."; } } }; xhr.send(null); }, this.createIFrame = function() { var name = this._iframeName, iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); iframe.width = "0"; iframe.height = "0"; iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.src = "about:blank"; iframe.id = name; iframe.name = name; iframe.security = "restricted"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.contentWindow.name = name; $addHandlers(iframe, { load: Function.createDelegate(this, this.onIFrameLoadedHandler) }); this._iframe = iframe; }; this.onIFrameLoadedHandler = function (e) { /// /// Event handler to capture when iframe receive response from server. /// /// if (!control._currentFileId) return; try { var iframe = this._iframe, doc = null; if (iframe.contentDocument) doc = iframe.contentDocument; else if (iframe.contentWindow) doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; else if (iframe.document) doc = iframe.document; if (doc == null) throw "Document not initialized"; control.doneAndUploadNextFile(control.getCurrentFileItem()); } catch (e) { if (!control._canceled || !(e.message && (e.message.indexOf("Access is denied") > -1 || e.message.indexOf("Permission denied") > -1))) { this.raiseUploadError(e); throw e; } } }; this.setThrobber = function (value) { /// /// Show or hide throbber when processing upload. /// /// if (control.get_serverPollingSupport()) { control.setPercent(0); $common.setVisible(elements.progressBar, value ? true : false); $common.setVisible(elements.progressBarContainer, value ? true : false); this.pollingServerProgress(value); return; } if (control.get_throbber() != null) { control.get_throbber().style.display = value ? "" : "none"; } }; this.pollingServerProgress = function (value) { /// /// Get percentage of uploading progress from server. /// /// if (!value || !control._currentFileId) return; xhrPoll.open("GET", '?contextKey=' + control._contextKey + "&poll=1&guid=" + control._currentFileId, true); xhrPoll.send(null); }; this.createForm = function () { /// /// Create form that we use to upload file one by one taken from queue. /// var form, formId = "___postForm" + control.get_id(); try { form = document.createElement('
'); } catch (ex) { form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute("id", formId); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("target", this._iframe.id); form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); } form.style.visibility = 'hidden'; form.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(form); this._form = form; }; this.raiseUploadError = function (xhr) { control.raiseUploadError(xhr); control.setFileStatus(control._currentFileId, 'error', Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.AjaxFileUpload_error); if (xhrPoll) xhrPoll.abort(); control._currentFileId = null; }; };