// Name: HTMLEditor.HTMLEditor.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor"); Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim = function(value) { return value.replace(/[\x00-\x1F]+/g,""); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.TrimAll = function(value) { return value.replace(/[\x00-\x1F]/g,"").replace(/^[\x20]+/g,"").replace(/[\x20]+$/g,""); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE = (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.InternetExplorer); Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari = (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Safari); Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isOpera = (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Opera); Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.tryReplaceRgb = function(value) { var result = value; var re = /(rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\))/ig; function hex(d) { return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16); }; function repl($0,$1,$2,$3,$4) { var r = parseInt($2); var g = parseInt($3); var b = parseInt($4); return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); } try { // some versions of Safari don't support such replace result = result.replace(re, repl); } catch(e){} return result; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getScrollTop = function(win) { var doc = win.document; var scrollTop = 0; if (typeof (win.pageYOffset) == 'number') { scrollTop = win.pageYOffset; } if (doc.body && doc.body.scrollTop) { scrollTop = doc.body.scrollTop; } else if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop; } return scrollTop; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getScrollLeft = function(win) { var doc = win.document; var scrollLeft = 0; if (typeof (win.pageXOffset) == 'number') { scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset; } else if (doc.body && doc.body.scrollLeft) { scrollLeft = doc.body.scrollLeft; } else if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.scrollLeft) { scrollLeft = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft; } return scrollLeft; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.addFormOnSubmit = function(handler, editPanel) { var form = window.theForm; if (window.theForm != null && typeof window.theForm != "undefined") { if (form.HTMLEditor_editPanels == null || typeof form.HTMLEditor_editPanels == "undefined") { form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor = window.theForm.onsubmit; form.HTMLEditor_editPanels = []; window.theForm.onsubmit = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.EditPanelsOnSubmit; if (window.__doPostBack != null && typeof window.__doPostBack != "undefined") { if (window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original == null || typeof window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original == "undefined") { window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original = window.__doPostBack; window.__doPostBack = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.EditPanelsOnPostBack; } } if (window.ValidatorGetValue != null && typeof window.ValidatorGetValue != "undefined") { if (window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original == null || typeof window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original == "undefined") { window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original = window.ValidatorGetValue; window.ValidatorGetValue = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.ValidatorGetValue; } } } form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.push({ handler: handler, editPanel: editPanel }); } } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.removeFormOnSubmit = function(handler) { var form = window.theForm; if (window.theForm != null && typeof window.theForm != "undefined") { var original = form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor; if (form.HTMLEditor_editPanels != null && typeof form.HTMLEditor_editPanels != "undefined") { var newArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.length; i++) { var cur = form.HTMLEditor_editPanels[i]; if (cur.handler != handler) { newArr.push(cur); } } form.HTMLEditor_editPanels = newArr; if (form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.length == 0) { window.theForm.onsubmit = original; form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor = null; form.HTMLEditor_editPanels = null; if (window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original != null && typeof window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original != "undefined") { window.__doPostBack = window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original; window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original = null; } if (window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original != null && typeof window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original != "undefined") { window.ValidatorGetValue = window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original; window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original = null; } } } } } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.EditPanelsOnSubmit = function(e) { var form = window.theForm; var ret = true; for (var i = 0; i < form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.length; i++) { var ret = form.HTMLEditor_editPanels[i].handler(e); if (!ret) break; } if (ret && form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor != null && typeof form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor != "undefined") { ret = form.originalOnSubmit_HTMLEditor(e); } if (!ret || !window.Page_IsValid) { for (var i = 0; i < form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.length; i++) { form.HTMLEditor_editPanels[i].editPanel._contentPrepared = false; } } return ret; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.ValidatorGetValue = function(id) { var component = $find(id); if (component != null) { var editPanel = null; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Editor.isInstanceOfType(component)) { editPanel = component.get_editPanel(); } else if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.EditPanel.isInstanceOfType(component)) { editPanel = component; } if (editPanel != null) { var content = editPanel._contentForValidation; if (content == null || typeof content == "undefined") { content = editPanel.get_content(); } return content; } } return window.ValidatorGetValue_HTMLEditor_original(id); } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.EditPanelsOnPostBack = function(eventTarget, eventArgument) { var form = window.theForm; for(var i=0; i < form.HTMLEditor_editPanels.length; i++) { var ret = form.HTMLEditor_editPanels[i].handler(null); if(!ret) return false; } if (window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original != null && typeof window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original != "undefined") { return window.__doPostBack_HTMLEditor_original(eventTarget, eventArgument); } return true; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getRealAttributeIE = function(element, name, source) { var value = source; var n_value = ""; function tempFunc(p0,p1) { n_value = p1; } element.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("^(?:<[^>]*?"+name+"=\")([^\"]*?)\"","ig"),tempFunc); if (n_value == "") { element.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("^(?:<[^>]*?"+name+"=')([^']*?)'","ig"),tempFunc); } if (n_value == "") { element.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("^(?:<[^>]*?"+name+"=)([^\s>]*?)","ig"),tempFunc); } if (value != n_value && n_value != "") { value = n_value; value = value.replace(/&/g,"&"); } return value; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getRealAttribute = function(element,name) { var searchName = name.toLowerCase(); var attrs = element.attributes; var value = ""; for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) { var a = attrs.item(i); if (!a.specified) continue; var name = a.name.toLowerCase(); if (name == searchName) { value = a.value; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { value = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getRealAttributeIE(element, name, value); } if (name == "src" || name == "href") value = value.replace(/(\(S\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\)\)\/)/,""); break; } } return value; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.enabledWordTags = [ "img", "strong", "p", "b", "i", "u", "a", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "table", "tbody", "tr", "td", "ul", "ol", "li", "span", "div", "font", "xml", "del", "ins", "em", "sub", "sup", "hr", "br" ]; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.cleanUp = function(html) { var old_ret; var ret = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim(html.replace(/[\x00-\x1F]+/g," ")) .replace(/^[^\u0000]+?]*?)>/gi,"").replace(/<\/html(?:[^>]*?)>[^\u0000]*$/gi,"") .replace(/]*?)>[^\u0000]*?<\/head(?:[^>]*?)>/gi,"") .replace(/]*?>([^\u0000]*?)<\/body(?:[^>]*?)>/gi,"$1") .replace(/<\/?html(?:[^>]*?)>/gi,"") .replace(/<\/?head(?:[^>]*?)>/gi,"") .replace(/<\/?body(?:[^>]*?)>/gi,"") .replace(//ig,"") // remove comments .replace(/(<[\/]?)(?:o|v|x|p|w|\?xml):(\w+)([^>]*?>)/ig,"$1$2$3") // remove prefixes .replace(/<(IMAGEDATA)([^>]*?)>/ig,"") // replace ImageData .replace(/]*>

") // remove empty P .replace(/]*?\/>/ig,"").replace(/<(p|div)[^>]*?> <\/(\1)[^>]*?>/ig,"").replace(/<(p|div)[^>]*?><\/(\1)[^>]*?>/ig,""); do { old_ret = ret; ret = ret.replace(/<([^>]*)(?:class|size|lang|face|start|type|border|[ovwxp]:\w+)=(?:\'[^\']*\'|\"[^\"]*\"|[^> ]+)([^>]*)>/ig, "<$1$2>"); } while(ret != old_ret) var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = ret; function diver(elem) { var n = elem.childNodes.length; for(var i=0; i=0) { i--; child.parentNode.removeChild(child); } else { var search = child.tagName.toLowerCase(); var found = false; var nn = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.enabledWordTags.length; for(var j=0; j < nn; j++) { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.enabledWordTags[j] == search) { found = true; break; } } diver(child); if(!found) { i += child.childNodes.length; while(child.firstChild) child.parentNode.insertBefore(child.firstChild,child); child.parentNode.removeChild(child); i--; } else { var s_background_color = child.style.backgroundColor; var s_color = child.style.color; child.style.cssText =""; child.removeAttribute("style"); if(child.getAttribute("width") && child.getAttribute("width").length > 0) child.style.width=child.getAttribute("width"); if(child.width && child.width.length > 0) child.style.width=child.width; child.width =""; try{child.removeAttribute("width");}catch(e){} if(child.getAttribute("height") && child.getAttribute("height").length > 0) child.style.height=child.getAttribute("height"); if(child.height && child.height.length > 0) child.style.height=child.height; child.height =""; try{child.removeAttribute("height");}catch(e){} if(search=="table") { child.style.borderLeftWidth = "1px"; child.style.borderLeftColor = "black"; child.style.borderLeftStyle = "solid"; child.style.borderTopWidth = "1px"; child.style.borderTopColor = "black"; child.style.borderTopStyle = "solid"; child.style.backgroundColor = s_background_color; child.style.color = s_color; } if(search=="td") { child.style.borderRightWidth = "1px"; child.style.borderRightColor = "black"; child.style.borderRightStyle = "solid"; child.style.borderBottomWidth = "1px"; child.style.borderBottomColor = "black"; child.style.borderBottomStyle = "solid"; child.style.backgroundColor = s_background_color; child.style.color = s_color; } if(search=="font" || search=="span") { child.style.backgroundColor = s_background_color; child.style.color = s_color; var attrs = child.attributes; var n =0; for (var m = 0; m < attrs.length; ++m) { var a = attrs.item(m); if (!a.specified) continue; n++; } if(n== 0 && child.style.cssText=="") { i += child.childNodes.length; while(child.firstChild) child.parentNode.insertBefore(child.firstChild,child); child.parentNode.removeChild(child); i--; } } } } } } } diver(div); ret = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim(div.innerHTML); delete div; ret = ret.replace(/<[\/]?(xml|del|ins)[^>]*?>/ig,"") // remove some tags (content should be remained) .replace(/<(p|div)[^>]*?>/ig,"") // remove P, DIV tags (content should be remained)
is added .replace(/<\/(p|div)[^>]*?>/ig,"
"); do { old_ret = ret; ret = ret.replace(/<\/b>/ig,"").replace(/<\/i>/ig,"").replace(/<\/u>/ig,"").replace(/<\/strong>/ig,"").replace(/<\/em>/ig,"").replace(/<\/sub>/ig,"").replace(/<\/sup>/ig,""); ret = ret.replace(/]*?><\/span>/ig,"").replace(/([^<]+?)<\/span>/ig,"$1"); ret = ret.replace(/]*?><\/font>/ig,"").replace(/([^<]+?)<\/font>/ig,"$1"); } while(ret != old_ret) ret = ret.replace(/’/g, "'") .replace(/‘/g, "'") .replace(/–/g, "-") .replace(/—/g, "-") .replace(/…/g, "...") .replace(/"/g, "\"") .replace(/“/g, "\"") .replace(/”/g, "\"") .replace(//g, "") .replace(/•/g, "") .replace(/[ \s]+/g," ").replace(/(( )+)/g," "); // remove extra spaces if(document.all) ret = ret.replace(/^[\x00-\x1F]* /,""); return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.spanJoiner = function(element,doc, sFrom, sTo, nobr) { var sIndex = 0; var sLength = element.childNodes.length; if(typeof sFrom != "undefined" && sFrom != null) sIndex = sFrom; if(typeof sTo != "undefined" && sTo != null) sLength = sTo; for(var i=sIndex; i < sLength && i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = element.childNodes.item(i) if (child.parentNode != element) { continue; } switch (child.nodeType) { case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE if(child.childNodes.length==0 && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(child.tagName) && child.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A" && !(child.className.length > 0 || (child.getAttribute("class") && child.getAttribute("class").length > 0)) && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child)) { element.removeChild(child); i--; sLength--; continue; } if( child.tagName.toUpperCase()=="SPAN") { while(child.childNodes.length==1 && child.firstChild.nodeType==1) { if(child.firstChild.tagName.toUpperCase()=="SPAN" && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child.firstChild)) { var attrs = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differAttr (child.firstChild,[]); var styles = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differStyle(child.firstChild); var oldSpan = child.firstChild; var chieldren = oldSpan.childNodes; while(oldSpan.firstChild != null) { child.insertBefore(oldSpan.firstChild,oldSpan); } for(var j=0; j < styles.length; j++) { if(styles[j][1]) { try { if(child.style[styles[j][0]]) { if(styles[j][0].toLowerCase().indexOf("color") >= 0) { child.style[styles[j][0]] = styles[j][1]; } else { try { var sv = child.style[styles[j][0]]; child.style[styles[j][0]] = child.style[styles[j][0]]+" "+styles[j][1]; if(sv == child.style[styles[j][0]]) { child.style[styles[j][0]] = styles[j][1]; } } catch(e) { child.style[styles[j][0]] = styles[j][1]; } } } else { child.style[styles[j][0]] = styles[j][1]; } } catch (ee) {} } } for(var j=0; j < attrs.length; j++) { if(attrs[j][1]) { child.setAttribute(attrs[j][0],attrs[j][1]); } } child.removeChild(oldSpan); continue; } else { if(child.firstChild.tagName.toUpperCase()=="SPAN" && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child.firstChild)) { var svv = child.firstChild; child.parentNode.insertBefore(child.firstChild,child); child.parentNode.removeChild(child); child = svv; } } break; } var tempArr = []; var nextChild = child.nextSibling; while(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child) && nextChild && i+1 < sLength && (nextChild.nodeType == 3 || (nextChild.nodeType == 1 && (nextChild.tagName.toUpperCase()=="SPAN" || (nextChild.tagName.toUpperCase()=="BR") && typeof nobr == "undefined") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(nextChild)))) { if(nextChild.nodeType == 3) { if((""+nextChild.data+"").length==0) { nextChild.parentNode.removeChild(nextChild); nextChild = child.nextSibling; sLength--; } else { break; } } else { if(nextChild.tagName.toUpperCase()=="BR") { tempArr.push(nextChild); nextChild = nextChild.nextSibling; } else { var attrs = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differAttr (child,[], nextChild); var styles = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differStyle(child, nextChild); if(attrs.length==0 && styles.length==0 && child.className == nextChild.className) { var n = tempArr.length; for(var j=0; j < n; j++) { child.appendChild(tempArr[j]); sLength--; } tempArr = []; while(nextChild.firstChild) child.appendChild(nextChild.firstChild); nextChild.parentNode.removeChild(nextChild); nextChild = child.nextSibling; sLength--; } else { break; } } } } if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child) && child.className.length == 0) { var attrs = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differAttr (child,[]); var styles = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differStyle(child ); if(attrs.length==0 && styles.length==0) { i--; sLength--; while(child.firstChild) { child.parentNode.insertBefore(child.firstChild,child); sLength++; } child.parentNode.removeChild(child); continue; } } } if(child.parentNode != null) { if(child.childNodes.length==0 && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(child.tagName) && child.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A" && !(child.className.length > 0 || (child.getAttribute("class") && child.getAttribute("class").length > 0)) && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child)) { element.removeChild(child); i--; sLength--; continue; } else { Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.spanJoiner(child,doc); } } break; } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._styleTags = [ "strong", "em", "u", "strike", "s", "span", "font", "b", "sub", "sup", "a", "i" ]; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag = function(tag) { if(!tag) return false; for(var i=0; i< Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._styleTags.length; i++) { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._styleTags[i].toLowerCase()==tag.toLowerCase()) return true; } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.smartClassName = "MSIEparagraph"; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.noContextMenuAttribute= "obout-no-contextmenu"; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement = function(el) { if(el.id && el.id.length > 0 && el.id.indexOf(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.smartClassName) >= 0) return true; return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differAttr = function(element,pr, comp) { var result = []; var parent = element.parentNode; if(typeof comp != "undefined") parent = comp; if(!parent || !parent.tagName || !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(parent.tagName)) parent = null; if(element.attributes) for (var i=0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = element.attributes[i]; var brk=false; for(var j=0; j < pr.length; j++) { if(attr.name.toUpperCase() == pr[j].toUpperCase()) { brk=true; break; } } if(brk) continue; if(attr.name.toUpperCase() == "STYLE") continue; if(attr.name.toUpperCase().substr(0,4) == "_MOZ") continue; if(attr.specified) if(parent && parent.attributes && parent.attributes[attr.name]) { var pattr= parent.attributes[attr.name]; if(pattr) { if(attr.name != pattr.name || attr.value != pattr.value) { result.push([attr.name, attr.value]); } } } else { if(attr.name.toUpperCase() == "CLASS" && attr.value =="") continue; result.push([attr.name, attr.value]); } } return result; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differStyle = function(element, comp) { var result = []; var parent = element.parentNode; if(typeof comp != "undefined") parent = comp; if(!parent || !parent.tagName || !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(parent.tagName)) parent = null; function _putStyle(i,_style) { _style=""+_style; if(i.toLowerCase()=="textdecoration") { var _arr = _style.split(" "); for(var j=0; j<_arr.length; j++) { result.push([i, Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim(_arr[j])]); } } else { result.push([i, _style]); } } for (var i in element.style) { if(i && typeof i == "string" && i != "accelerator") { var ii = i; if(!isNaN(parseInt(i))) { if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari) { continue; } ii = element.style[i]; } var style = element.style[ii]; if(style && typeof style == "string" && style != "accelerator") { if(parent && parent.style) { var pstyle= parent.style [ii]; if(ii.toLowerCase() != "csstext" && ii.toLowerCase() != "length") if(style != pstyle) { _putStyle(ii, style); } } else { if(ii.toLowerCase() != "csstext" && ii.toLowerCase() != "length") { _putStyle(ii, style); } } } } } if(typeof comp != "undefined") for (var i in parent.style) { if(i && typeof i == "string" && i != "accelerator") { var ii = i; if(!isNaN(parseInt(i))) { if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari) { continue; } ii = element.style[i]; } var style = parent.style[ii]; if(style && typeof style == "string" && style != "accelerator") { var pstyle= element.style [ii]; if(i.toLowerCase() != "csstext" && ii.toLowerCase() != "length") if(style != pstyle) { _putStyle(ii, style); } } } } return result; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.brXHTML = function(str) { return str.replace(/
/ig, "
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while(par && par.tagName && par.tagName.toUpperCase() != "TABLE") par = par.parentNode; if(par.tagName.toUpperCase() == "TABLE" && par.style && par.style.display && par.style.display.toLowerCase() == "inline") { return true; } } case "P" : case "PRE" : case "TABLE" : case "OL" : case "UL" : case "LI" : case "HR" : case "DIV" : case "BLOCKQUOTE" : case "FORM" : case "FIELDSET" : case "LEGEND" : return false; default: return true; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.convertAlign = function(aval) { var value; var n; try { n = parseInt(aval)-1;} catch(e){return aval;} switch(n) { case 1: value = "left"; break; case 2: value = "right"; break; case 3: value = "texttop"; break; case 4: value = "absmiddle"; break; case 5: value = "baseline"; break; case 6: value = "absbottom"; break; case 7: value = "bottom"; break; case 8: value = "middle"; break; case 9: value = "top"; break; default: value = aval.replace(/\"/g,"""); } return value; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getHTML = function(root, outputRoot, must) { try { if(typeof must == "undefined") { if(!outputRoot && root.nodeType==1) { return root.innerHTML; } else { if(outputRoot && root.nodeType==1 && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { return root.outerHTML; } } } } catch(e){} var html = new Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.jsDocument(true); Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getHTML_(html, root, outputRoot); return html.toString(); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getHTML_ = function(html, root, outputRoot, must) { switch (root.nodeType) { case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE case 11: // Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE if(root.tagName && root.tagName.indexOf("/") >= 0) { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase().substr(root.tagName.indexOf("/")+1); var prev = root.previousSibling; if(tag == "embed") return; while(prev != null) { if(prev.nodeType == root.nodeType && prev.tagName && prev.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag) { html.append(""); return; } prev = prev.previousSibling; } } return; } var closed; var noSlash; var i; if (outputRoot && root.tagName.length >0) { var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(); closed = (!(root.hasChildNodes() || Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._needsClosingTag(root))); noSlash= true; var scope = ""; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.scopeName && typeof root.scopeName != "undefined") { scope = (root.scopeName.toUpperCase()=="HTML")?"":(root.scopeName+":"); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && (closed || tag == "placeholder") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._noNeedsClosingTag(root) && tag !="embed") { var next = root.nextSibling; while(next != null) { if(next.nodeType == root.nodeType && next.tagName) { var nextTagName = next.tagName; if(nextTagName.indexOf("/") >= 0) if(nextTagName.toLowerCase().substr(nextTagName.indexOf("/")+1) == tag) { closed = false; noSlash= false; break; } } next = next.nextSibling; } } if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.canBeInsideP(root)) { html.append("\n"); } html.append("<"+((!closed && !noSlash)?"teo"+Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.smartClassName+":":scope)+ tag); if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.name && root.name.length > 0) { html.append(" name=\"" + root.name.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.value && root.value.length > 0 && tag != "textarea") { html.append(" value=\"" + root.value.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.className && root.className.length > 0) { html.append(" class=\"" + root.className.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.align && root.align.length > 0) { html.append(" align=\"" + root.align.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.color && root.color.length > 0) { html.append(" color=\"" + root.color.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.size && root.size.length > 0 && root.size != "+0") { html.append(" size=\"" + root.size.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.shape && root.shape.length > 0) { html.write(" shape" + '="' + root.shape.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && root.coords && root.coords.length > 0) { html.write(" coords" + '="' + root.coords.replace(/\"/g,""") + '"'); } var attrs = root.attributes; var cssForSafari = null; for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) { var a = attrs.item(i); if (!a.specified) continue; var name = a.name.toLowerCase(); if (name.substr(0, 4) == "_moz") { continue; } if (name == "teoalign") { continue; } var value; if (name != 'style') { if(name=='width') { value= root.width; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && value == 0) { var n_value = 0; root.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("^(?:<[^>]*?width=)([\\d]+)","ig"),function(p0,p1){n_value = p1;}); if(value != n_value) value = n_value; } } else if(name=='height') { value= root.height; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && value == 0) { var n_value = 0; root.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("^(?:<[^>]*?height=)([\\d]+)","ig"),function(p0,p1){n_value = p1;}); if(value != n_value) value = n_value; } } else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='name' && root.name && root.name.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='value' && root.value && root.value.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='align' && root.align && root.align.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='class' && root.className && root.className.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='color' && root.color && root.color.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='size' && root.size && root.size.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='shape' && root.shape && root.shape.length > 0 ) continue; else if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && name=='coords' && root.coords && root.coords.length > 0 ) continue; else { if(tag=="embed" && name=="align" && (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE)) { value = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.convertAlign(a.value); } else { value = a.value; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari && name == "class") { if(/apple-style/ig.test(value)) { continue; } } if(name == "src" || name == "href") { if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { value = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getRealAttributeIE(root, name, value); } value = value.replace(/(\(S\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\)\)\/)/,""); } value = value.replace(/\"/g,"""); } } } else { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari) { cssForSafari = a.value; } continue; } var qchar = "\""; if((""+value+"").indexOf("\"") >= 0) qchar="'"; if(name != null) html.append(" " + name + '=' + qchar + value + qchar); } if(root.style.cssText.length > 0 || cssForSafari != null) { var name = "style"; var re1 = /(url\((?:[^\)]*)\))/ig; var urls = []; function f2($0,$1) { urls.push($1); } var value = ((cssForSafari !=null)?cssForSafari:root.style.cssText).toLowerCase(); value.replace(re1, f2); var times = 0; function f3() { var temp = urls[times]; times++; return temp; } value = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.tryReplaceRgb(value.replace(re1, f3)).replace(/(font-weight\s*:\s*)(700)/ig, "$1bold") .replace(/([\s]*-moz-[^;]*[;][\s]*)/ig, "").replace(/(-moz-.*)$/i, "") .replace(/(background-position: 0% 0%[;]*[\s]*)/ig, ""); if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari) { function repSaf($0,$1,$2,$3) { return $1+$2.replace(/(,)/g,"")+$3; } value = value.replace(/(text-decoration:)([^;$]+)([;$])/ig, repSaf); } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari || Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isOpera) { function repSafOp($0,$1,$2,$3) { return $1+$2.replace(/(['"])/g,"")+$3; } value = value.replace(/(font-family:)([^;]+)([;]*)/ig, repSafOp); } if(value.length > 0) { var qchar = "\""; if((""+value+"").indexOf("\"") >= 0) qchar="'"; html.append(" " + name + '=' + qchar + value + qchar); } } html.append(closed ? " />" : ">"); if(tag=="br") html.append("\n"); } if(root.tagName && root.tagName.toUpperCase()=="SCRIPT") html.append(root.text); if(root.tagName && root.tagName.toUpperCase()=="STYLE") { html.append(root.innerHTML); } else { for (i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) { Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getHTML_(html,i, true) } } if (outputRoot && root.tagName.length >0 && !closed && noSlash) { html.append(""); } break; case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE html.append(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._encodeText_(""+root.data+"")); break; case 8: // Node.COMMENT_NODE if(root.length > 0) { html.append(""); } else { // IE bug tricking (negative lengths happen there) html.append(""); } break; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.RemoveContextMenu = function() { var editor = this; var hhh=editor._contextElement.parentNode.removeChild(editor._contextElement); if (hhh) delete hhh; editor._contextElement=null; editor._contextTable=null; if (editor.__saved_range__){ editor.__saved_range__.select(); editor.__saved_range__=null; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.contentEditable = function(el, prize) { while(el != null) { try { var mean = null; if(el.contentEditable != null && typeof el.contentEditable != "undefined" && !(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isSafari || Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isOpera)) { if(!el.contentEditable || el.contentEditable=="false") { mean = false; } else { mean = true; } } else { var value = el.getAttribute("contenteditable"); if(typeof value == "boolean") { mean = value; } else { if(typeof value == "string" && value.toLowerCase()=="false") { mean = false; } } } if(mean != null && typeof mean == "boolean") { if(!mean) { return el; } } } catch(ex) {} if(typeof prize != "undefined" && prize) { return null; } if(el.tagName != null && typeof el.tagName != "undefined" && (el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="BODY" || el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="HTML")) { break; } el = el.parentNode; } return null; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getSelParent = function (editor) { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range = editor._createRange(sel); var parent = null; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { if(sel.type.toLowerCase()=="control") parent =range.item(0); else parent= editor._getParent(range); } else { parent= editor._getParent(range); if(parent.nodeType != 3 && range.startContainer==range.endContainer) { var p=parent; parent = parent.childNodes.item(range.startOffset); if(parent==null) parent=p; } } return parent; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.__getIndex = function(el) { var ind =0; if(el.parentNode) { for(;ind 0) { return false; } } switch(name) { case "BR" : case "TBODY" : case "TR" : case "TD" : case "P" : case "PRE" : case "TABLE" : case "OL" : case "UL" : case "LI" : case "HR" : case "DIV" : case "BLOCKQUOTE" : case "FORM" : case "FIELDSET" : case "LEGEND" : return false; default: return true; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.capLock = function(e) { var kc = e.charCode; var sk = e.shiftKey?e.shiftKey:((kc == 16)?true:false); if(((kc >= 65 && kc <= 90) && !sk)||((kc >= 97 && kc <= 122) && sk)) return true; else return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.operateAnchors = function(editor, _doc, _prize) { var aList = _doc.getElementsByTagName("A"); var ret = false; for(var i=0; i < aList.length; i++) { var a = aList[i]; if( a.name && a.name.length > 0) { var imgToDelete = []; for(var j=0; j < a.childNodes.length; j++) { var node = a.childNodes.item(j); if(node.nodeType==1 && node.tagName && node.tagName.toUpperCase()=="IMG" && node.src==editor._editPanel.get_imagePath_anchor()) { imgToDelete.push(node); ret = true; } } while (imgToDelete.length > 0) { a.removeChild(imgToDelete.pop()); } if(!_prize) { var img = _doc.createElement("IMG"); img.title = a.name; img.src = editor._editPanel.get_imagePath_anchor(); img.setAttribute(editor.noContextMenuAttributeName(),"yes"); a.appendChild(img); } } } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.operatePlaceHolders = function(editor, _doc, _prize) { var ret = false; if(_prize) { var tempCollection = _doc.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); var aList =[]; for(var i=0; i 0 && dum.toLowerCase()=="placeholder") { var ph = _doc.createElement("PLACEHOLDER"); var title = a.title; if(title==null || typeof title=="undefined") { title = a.getAttribute("title"); } ph.name = title; ph.setAttribute("name",title); a.parentNode.insertBefore(ph,a); a.parentNode.removeChild (a); ret = true; } } } else { var tempCollection = _doc.getElementsByTagName("PLACEHOLDER"); var aList =[]; for(var i=0; i 0) { nd = false; } } catch(ex) {} if(nd) { var name = a.name; if(name==null || typeof name=="undefined") { name = a.getAttribute("name"); } var img = _doc.createElement("IMG"); img.title = name; img.src = editor._editPanel.get_imagePath_placeHolder(); img.setAttribute("dummytag","placeholder"); img.setAttribute("title",name); a.parentNode.insertBefore(img,a); a.parentNode.removeChild (a); } } } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.inspectForShadows = function(el) { var aList = el.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); for(var i=0; i < aList.length; i++) { if(aList[i].getAttribute(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.attachedIdAttribute) && aList[i].getAttribute(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.attachedIdAttribute).length > 0) { try { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { $removeHandler(aList[i],"dragstart", Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.stopDrag); } else { $removeHandler(aList[i],"draggesture", Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.stopDrag); } } catch(e) {} if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { $addHandler(aList[i],"dragstart", Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.stopDrag); } else { $addHandler(aList[i],"draggesture", Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.stopDrag); } } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.attachedIdAttribute= "obout-attached-id"; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.stopDrag = function(ev) { if(ev) ev.stopPropagation();ev.preventDefault(); return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.replacingRules = [ [ "strong" ,"font-weight" , "bold" ], [ "b" ,"font-weight" , "bold" ], [ "strong" ,"font-weight" , "700" ], [ "em" ,"font-style" , "italic" ], [ "i" ,"font-style" , "italic" ], [ "u" ,"text-decoration" , "underline" ], [ "strike" ,"text-decoration" , "line-through" ] ]; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.replaceOldTags = function(root,editor) { var innerHTML = root.innerHTML; var need = false; for(var j=0; j < Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.replacingRules.length; j++) { var reg = new RegExp("<"+Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.replacingRules[j][0]+"[\s>]", "ig"); if(reg.test(innerHTML)) { need = true; break; } } if(!need) { if(!(/]/ig.test(innerHTML))) { return; } } for(var i=0; i 0) { font.appendChild(span); child = span; } else { while(span.firstChild) { font.appendChild(span.firstChild); } root.removeChild(span); child = font; } } else { child = span; } } } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.replaceOldTags(child,editor); } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getStyle = function(oElm, strCssRule) { var strValue = ""; if(oElm.nodeType==1) { if(oElm.ownerDocument && oElm.ownerDocument.defaultView && oElm.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { strValue = oElm.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oElm, "").getPropertyValue(strCssRule); } else if(oElm.currentStyle) { try { strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (strMatch, p1){return p1.toUpperCase();}); strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule]; } catch(ex) { strValue = oElm.style[strCssRule]; } } else { strValue = oElm.style[strCssRule]; } } return strValue; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._Marker = function(editor,rng,sel) { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { this._nArr = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getNames(editor._doc.body); this._save = editor._doc.body.innerHTML; this._tree = null; if(sel.type.toLowerCase()=="control") { try { var el = rng.item(0); this._tree =[]; while(el && (el.nodeType==3 || !el.tagName || el.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")) { var n=0; while(el.previousSibling) { n++; el = el.previousSibling; } this._tree.push(n); el = el.parentNode; } } catch(e){} } else { this._offsetLeft=rng.offsetLeft; this._offsetTop =rng.offsetTop; } } else { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isOpera) { this._save = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim(editor._doc.body.innerHTML); } else { this._save = editor._doc.body.cloneNode(true); } this._tree =[]; this._offset= 0; try { var el =rng.startContainer; this._offset=rng.startOffset; if(el && el.nodeType==1 && el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="HTML") { el = editor._doc.body; setTimeout(function(){ try { sel = editor._getSelection(); rng = editor._createRange(); editor._removeAllRanges(sel); rng.setStart(el,0); rng.setEnd (el,0); editor._selectRange(sel,rng); } catch(e) {} },0); } while(el && el.nodeType && (el.nodeType==3 || !el.tagName || el.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")) { var n=0; while(el.previousSibling) { n++; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isOpera) { if(el.nodeType == 3 && el.previousSibling != null && el.previousSibling.nodeType == 3) { n--; } } el = el.previousSibling; } this._tree.push(n); el = el.parentNode; } } catch(e) {} } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.__stackMaxSize = 30; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getNames = function(el) { var aList = el.all; var mArr = []; var nArr =[] for(var i=0; i < aList.length; i++) { var a = aList[i]; if(a.name && a.name.length > 0) { var tag = a.tagName; var coll= el.getElementsByTagName(tag); var n = 0; for(var j=0; j < coll.length; j++) { if(coll[j] == a) { n = j; break; } } nArr[tag] = n; mArr.push([tag,nArr[tag],a.name]); } } return mArr; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.setNames = function(el,mArr) { for(var i=0; i < mArr.length; i++) { if(el.getElementsByTagName(mArr[i][0]).length > mArr[i][1]) { el.getElementsByTagName(mArr[i][0])[mArr[i][1]].name = mArr[i][2]; } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild = function(root,seek) { for(var i=0; i= 0 ) { return i; } } } return -1; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getHrefsText = function(txt) { var result =[] function regRepl(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) { var tag = p1.replace(/^<([^\s>]+)/,"$1"); var insert =true; var i =0; for(; i < result.length; i++) { if(result[i][0] == tag) { insert = false; break; } } if(insert) { result[i] =[tag]; } result[i].push(p5); }; var reg = new RegExp("(<[^\\s><]+)([^><]*?)(href=)(\"|')([^\\4]*?)(\\4)((?:[^><]*?)>)","ig"); txt.replace(reg,regRepl); return result; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.setHrefsText = function(el, mArr) { for (var j = 0; j < mArr.length; j++) { var aList = el.getElementsByTagName(mArr[j][0]); var k = 1; for (var i = 0; i < aList.length; i++) { if (!aList[i].href) { continue; } if (mArr[j][k] && mArr[j][k].length > 0) { var trickIE; if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { trickIE = aList[i].innerHTML; } aList[i].href = mArr[j][k].replace(/&/ig, "&"); if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { aList[i].innerHTML = trickIE; } } k++; } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getImagesText = function(txt) { var mArr = []; function regRepl(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5) { mArr.push(p3); return p0; } txt.replace(/()/ig,regRepl); return mArr; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.setImagesText = function(el,mArr) { var aList = el.getElementsByTagName("IMG"); var k=0; for(var i=0; i < aList.length; i++) { if(!aList[i].src) { continue; } if(mArr[k] && mArr[k].length > 0) { aList[i].src = mArr[k].replace(/&/ig,"&"); } k++; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.canHaveChildren = function(elem) { if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { return elem.canHaveChildren; } else { return !/^(area|base|basefont|col|frame|hr|img|br|input|isindex|link|meta|param)$/.test(elem.tagName.toLowerCase()); } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._setCursor = function(el1,editor) { var el = el1; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range=editor._createRange(sel); if(sel.type.toLowerCase() == "control") { range.remove(0); sel.empty(); range = editor._createRange(); } var isText = (el.nodeType==3); var span; if(isText) { span = editor._doc.createElement("SPAN"); span.innerHTML = " "; el.parentNode.insertBefore(span,el); el = span; } var location = $common.getLocation(el); var _left = location.x, _top = location.y; if(isText) { span.parentNode.removeChild(span); } try { range.moveToPoint(_left,_top); } catch(e) {} range.select(); } else { var sel = editor._getSelection(); var range=editor._createRange(); range.setStart(el, 0); range.setEnd(el, 0); editor._removeAllRanges(sel); editor._selectRange(sel,range); editor.focusEditor(); } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.myClone = function(el,doc,prize) { var ela; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && el.tagName && (el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="EMBED" || el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="OBJECT")) { var div = doc.createElement("DIV"); try { div.innerHTML = el.outerHTML; ela = div.firstChild; } catch(e) { ela = el; } delete div; } else { ela = el.cloneNode(prize); } return ela; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.unStyle = function(el) { var _prn = (el.parentNode != null && typeof el.parentNode != "undefined")?el.parentNode:null; if(_prn) { var _fnd = null; while ( _prn && _prn.tagName && _prn.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(_prn.tagName) && (_prn.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A")) { _fnd = _prn; _prn = _prn.parentNode; } if(_fnd) { function diver(add,el, rpr, before, prize) { var par=rpr.cloneNode(false); if(add) { if(add.push && typeof add.push == "function") { for(var iii=0; iii < add.length; iii++) { par.appendChild(add[iii]); } } else { par.appendChild(add); } } if(prize) { par.appendChild(el); } else { while(el) { var elSibling=before?el.previousSibling:el.nextSibling; if(el.nodeType==1 || (el.nodeType==3 && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.Trim(""+el.data+"").length>0)) { if(el.nodeType==1) { if(el.tagName && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(el.tagName) && el.childNodes.length==0 && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(el)) { el=null; } } if(el) { if(par.childNodes.length == 0 || !before) { par.appendChild(el); } else { par.insertBefore(el,par.firstChild); } } } el=elSibling; } } if(par.childNodes.length==0) { delete par; par=null; } else if(par.childNodes.length==1 && par.firstChild.nodeType==3 && (""+par.firstChild.data+"").length==0) { delete par; par=null; } else { if(!prize && par.tagName && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(par.tagName) && (par.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(par)) { var elNumber = par.childNodes.length; for(var cnt=0; cnt< par.childNodes.length; cnt++) { var inn = par.childNodes.item(cnt); if(inn.nodeType==1 && inn.tagName && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(inn.tagName) && (inn.tagName.toUpperCase()=="BR" || inn.tagName.toUpperCase()=="TABLE" || Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(inn))) { elNumber--; } } if(elNumber == 0) { var parr = []; while(par.firstChild) { var inn = par.removeChild(par.firstChild); parr.push(inn); } par = parr; } } } if(rpr==_fnd) { return par; } else { if(!prize) { return diver(par,before?rpr.previousSibling:rpr.nextSibling,rpr.parentNode,before,prize); } else { return diver(null,par,rpr.parentNode,before,prize); } } }; _prn = el.parentNode; if( el.previousSibling == null && el.nextSibling == null && _prn && _prn.tagName && _prn.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(_prn.tagName) && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.differAttr(_prn,["class","color","face","size"]).length > 0) { el = _prn; } var p1 = diver(null,el.previousSibling,el.parentNode,true , false); var p2 = diver(null,el.nextSibling ,el.parentNode,false, false); var par = _fnd.parentNode; if(p1) { if(p1.push && typeof p1.push == "function") { for(var iii=0; iii < p1.length; iii++) { par.insertBefore(p1[iii],_fnd); } } else { par.insertBefore(p1,_fnd); } } if(el.nodeType==1 && el.tagName && (el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="BR" || el.tagName.toUpperCase()=="TABLE" || Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(el))) { par.insertBefore(el,_fnd); } else { var p3 = diver(null,el,el.parentNode,false, true); par.insertBefore(p3,_fnd); } if(p2) { if(p2.push && typeof p2.push == "function") { for(var iii=0; iii < p2.length; iii++) { par.insertBefore(p2[iii],_fnd); } } else { par.insertBefore(p2,_fnd); } } par.removeChild (_fnd); } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement = function(el) { if(el.id && el.id.length > 0 && el.id.indexOf(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.smartClassName) >= 0) { return true; } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._moveTagsUp = function(lBound,rBound) { function _dive(next) { if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isInlineElement(next) || next.nodeType == 3) { Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.unStyle(next); } else if(next.tagName && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(next.tagName) && (next.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(next)) { var nnn = next.firstChild; while(nnn != null) { var nnnNext = nnn.nextSibling; _dive(nnn); nnn = nnnNext; } } } var next = lBound; while(next != null && next != rBound) { var nextSibling = next.nextSibling; _dive(next); next = nextSibling; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._commonTotalParent = function(first,last) { var ret = null; var par = first.parentNode; var fst = first; while (par) { if(par.tagName && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(par.tagName)) { var indexLast = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild(par,last); if(indexLast >=0 ) { var indexFirst = 0; for(var i=0; i < par.childNodes.length; i++) { if(par.childNodes.item(i) == fst) { indexFirst = i; break; } } return {parent: par, indexFirst: indexFirst, indexLast: indexLast}; } } fst = par; par = par.parentNode; } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._commonParent = function(first,last) { var ret = null; var par = first.parentNode; var fst = first; while (par && par.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(par.tagName)) { var indexLast = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild(par,last); if(indexLast >=0 ) { var indexFirst = 0; for(var i=0; i < par.childNodes.length; i++) { if(par.childNodes.item(i) == fst) { indexFirst = i; break; } } return {parent: par, indexFirst: indexFirst, indexLast: indexLast}; } fst = par; par = par.parentNode; } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.positionInParagraph = function(marker,el,left,par,wordBound) { while(true){ var result = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.positionInParagraphLevel(marker,el,left,wordBound); if(result != null) { return result; } if(par.tagName && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(par.tagName) && (par.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(par)) { el = left?par.previousSibling:par.nextSibling; par = par.parentNode; } else { if(!left || par.firstChild == null) { par.appendChild(marker); } else { par.insertBefore(marker,par.firstChild); } return marker; } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.positionInParagraphLevel = function(marker,el,left,wordBound) { while(el) { var elSibling = left?el.previousSibling:el.nextSibling; if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isInlineElement(el)) { var par = el.parentNode; if(!left) { par.insertBefore(marker,el); } else{ if(el.nextSibling) { par.insertBefore(marker,el.nextSibling); } else { par.appendChild (marker); } } return marker; } else if(typeof wordBound == "function" && el.nodeType==3) { var j; var str = ""+el.data+""; if(left) { for(j=str.length-1; j >= 0; j--) { if(wordBound(str.substr(j,1))) { break; } } } else { for(j=0; j < str.length; j++) { if(wordBound(str.substr(j,1))) { break; } } } if(j >= 0 && j < str.length) { var par = el.parentNode; var newNode; if((j > 0 || (left && j==0)) && (j < str.length-1 || (!left && j==str.length-1))) { if(left) { newNode = el.splitText(j+1); } else { newNode = el.splitText(j); } par.insertBefore(marker,newNode); } else { if(!left) { par.insertBefore(marker,el); } else { if(el.nextSibling) { par.insertBefore(marker,el.nextSibling); } else { par.appendChild (marker); } } } return marker; } } el = left?el.lastChild:el.firstChild; if(el) { var result = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.positionInParagraphLevel(marker,el,left,wordBound); if(result != null) { return result; } } el=elSibling; } return null; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._addEvent = function(el, evname, func){ if(el.attachEvent) el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func); else if(el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(evname, func, true); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._addEvents = function(el, evs, func) { for(var i=0; i < evs.length; i++) Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._addEvent(el, evs[i], func); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) { if(el.detachEvent) el.detachEvent("on" + evname, func); else if(el.removeEventListener) el.removeEventListener(evname, func, true); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._removeEvents = function(el, evs, func) { for(var i=0; i < evs.length; i++) Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._removeEvent(el, evs[i], func); }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._stopEvent = function(ev) { if(ev) { if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { ev.cancelBubble = true; ev.returnValue = false; } else { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.restrictedTags = ["DIV","P","TD","TR","TABLE","TBODY","LI","OL","UL","FORM","INPUT"]; // this list can be increased Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isRestricted = function(element) { var elementTagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i=0; i < Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.restrictedTags.length; i++) { if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.restrictedTags[i].toUpperCase() == elementTagName) { return true; } } if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && element.scopeName.toUpperCase()!="HTML") { return true; } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.jsDocument = function(noExtraLf) { this.noExtraLf = (typeof noExtraLf != "undefined" && noExtraLf); this.text = []; //array to store the string this.write = function (str) { if(!this.noExtraLf || (this.text.length == 0 && str != "\n") || (this.text.length > 0 && (this.text[this.text.length-1] != "\n" || str != "\n"))) { this.text[this.text.length] = str; } }; this.append = this.write; this.writeln = function (str) { this.text[this.text.length] = str + "\n"; } this.toString = function () { return this.text.join(""); } this.clear = function () { delete this.text; this.text = null; this.text = new Array; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isHeader = function(el) { var name = el.tagName.toUpperCase(); if(name.length==2) { if(name.substr(0,1)=="H" && parseInt(name.substr(1,1)) > 0) { return true; } } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getReallyFirst = function(root) { if(typeof root.firstChild != "undefined" && root.firstChild != null) { if(typeof root.firstChild.childNodes != "undefined" && root.firstChild.childNodes != null) { return Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getReallyFirst(root.firstChild) } } return root; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getReallyLast = function(root) { if(typeof root.lastChild != "undefined" && root.lastChild != null) { if(typeof root.lastChild.childNodes != "undefined" && root.lastChild.childNodes != null) { return Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._getReallyLast(root.lastChild) } } return root; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._reallyFirst = function(root,seek) { if(root.firstChild) { if(root.firstChild == seek) return true; if(root.firstChild.childNodes) if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild(root.firstChild,seek) == 0 ) { return Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._reallyFirst(root.firstChild,seek) } } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._reallyLast = function(root,seek) { if(root.lastChild) { if(root.lastChild == seek) return true; if(root.lastChild.childNodes) if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild(root.lastChild,seek) == root.lastChild.childNodes.length-1 ) { return Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._reallyLast(root.lastChild,seek) } } return false; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getContainer = function(container, el) { if(el==container) return container; if(container.nodeType == 1) { for(var i=0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = container.childNodes.item(i); if(el==child) return child; if(child.nodeType == 1) { var ind = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._lookChild(child,el); if(ind >= 0) { if(child.tagName && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isStyleTag(child.tagName) && (child.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A") && !Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isTempElement(child)) return Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getContainer(child, el); else return child; } } } } return null; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor._TryTransformFromPxToPt = function(fontSize,editor, _id) { var ret = fontSize.replace(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)px/i,"$1px"); if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { if(ret && ret.length > 0) { var seek = ret.toLowerCase().split(",")[0]; if (typeof _id != "undefined") { var el = document.getElementById(_id); if(el != null) { var i; for(i=0; i< el.options.length; i++) { var cur = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.fontSizeSeek(el.options.item(i).value.toLowerCase().split(",")[0]); if(cur==seek) break; } if(i==el.options.length) { var span = editor._doc.createElement("SPAN"); editor._doc.body.appendChild(span); for(i=1; i< 100; i++) { span.style.fontSize = i+"pt"; if(Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getStyle(span,"font-size").replace(/^(\d+)\.(\d+)px/i,"$1px") == seek) { seek = i+"pt"; break; } } span.parentNode.removeChild(span); } } } ret = seek; } } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.fontSizeSeek = function(val) { var seek = val.toString(); switch (seek) { case "1": seek="8pt"; break; case "2": seek="10pt"; break; case "3": seek="12pt"; break; case "4": seek="14pt"; break; case "5": seek="18pt"; break; case "6": seek="24pt"; break; case "7": seek="36pt"; break; } return seek; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getOwnerDocument = function(node) { return node.nodeType == 9 ? node : node.ownerDocument || node.document; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getClientViewportElement = function(opt_node) { var doc; if (opt_node.nodeType == 9) { doc = opt_node; } else { doc = Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getOwnerDocument(opt_node); } if (Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE && doc.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') { return doc.body; } return doc.documentElement; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isReallyVisible = function(el) { var elem = el; var real_visible = true; while(elem) { if(elem.style && Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.getStyle(elem,"display") == "none") { real_visible = false; break; } elem = elem.parentNode; } return real_visible; } Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.setSelectionRange = function(input, selectionStart, selectionEnd) { input.focus(); if (input.setSelectionRange) { input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } else if (input.createTextRange) { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', selectionEnd); range.moveStart('character', selectionStart); range.select(); } }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.setElementVisibility = function(element) { var ret = new Array(); var elem = element; while(elem && elem.nodeType==1 && elem.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { var display = elem.style.display; var visibility = elem.style.visibility; if(elem.style && (display == "none" || visibility == "hidden")) { ret.push({element: elem, display: display, visibility: visibility}); elem.style.display = ""; elem.style.visibility = "visible"; } elem = elem.parentNode; } return ret; }; Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.restoreElementVisibility = function(arr) { for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) { var item = arr[i]; var style = item.element.style; style.display = item.display; style.visibility = item.visibility; } }; if(!Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.isIE) { try { //not all such browsers support getter/setter Sys.Extended.UI.HTMLEditor.__MozillaGetInnerText = function(node, html) { var els=node.childNodes; for(var i=0;i